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Errors in verifier


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I have built my show and I have one sequence that is showing I have 6000 errors with all of them being error 45 which says its a channel conflict error. I can find no channel conflict error in the sequence. This sequence will take about 10 minutes to load and I imagine it is because of the errors. It plays fine in the sequencer. The sequence is setup just like all of my other ones. Can someone please point me in what I should look for. I am at a loss on this one. Thanks

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I think the verifier has not quite caught up with the rest of S5 yet. I seem to remember a post concerning that by Devmike.

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2 hours ago, PhilMassey said:

I think the verifier has not quite caught up with the rest of S5 yet. I seem to remember a post concerning that by Devmike.

Here is the problem I am having. I have two lms files for my matrix and tree. Here is a screenshot of my physical matrix. When I copy and paste the lms file for my matrix onto the matrix in my preview it plays fine and plays correct in the sequence. In verifier it shows errors that relate to the layout of my physical matrix. Its crazy that it plays fine and on the screen correctly and on my physical props. But when I try to run a show It pulls up all these errors and will hang forever before it will play. Capturematrix.PNG.025c3963a3b7d4f7af970c997298439e.PNG

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