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Issue installing software.


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I have been debating on "updating" my large static display for a number of years.  I have even played around with a old version of the Light O Rama software (v3.12.0).  Having made the decision to final go with LOR with the sales next year, I wanted to update my demo software.  When I tried to delete the old software I got a error message saying "Another program is being installed.  Please wait until that installation is finished and try again".  No other program is being installed and I since finished installing some other new software with no problem.  I took a chance and decided to try and download the LOR 5.3.8.  This time I got a message saying "Error 1500.  Another installation is in progress.  You must complete that installation first before continuing".

Not being able to find any program installing, I tried downloading and installing a new media player.  No problem.  Tried LOR again, same messages.

Any ideas?


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That's a Windows thing....

Something, somewhere on your computer is running an installation process - it could be another program trying to automatically update itself, or it could be Windows itself trying to do an update.  Since Windows wants to track changes by install, only one install can run at one time.

Ensure all your Windows Updates are done.  Then restart your computer by using the window's start button,  power, and then 'Restart'.  Don't just power off or select power off - those are not true re-starts in the world of Windows.  You must select the 'Restart' option.

Once you have done that, give the install another try.

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3 hours ago, DevMike said:

That's a Windows thing....

Something, somewhere on your computer is running an installation process - it could be another program trying to automatically update itself, or it could be Windows itself trying to do an update.  Since Windows wants to track changes by install, only one install can run at one time.

Ensure all your Windows Updates are done.  Then restart your computer by using the window's start button,  power, and then 'Restart'.  Don't just power off or select power off - those are not true re-starts in the world of Windows.  You must select the 'Restart' option.

Once you have done that, give the install another try.

Funny you say that Mike.  I've installed as high as 5 programs {5 different programs} at the same time in Windows {Windows 7 Home Premium and earlier versions of Windows 98, XP, etc.} and never got a conflict message like that with different software, but if the same software, then that happens..   The only time I ever got a conflict is if I had started to install a program and something happened, power glitch, install got aborted or it just hung up and I had to restart. And then when I tried to re-install the same exact program again after a restart {without powering the system entirely down}, then and only then have I ever ran into the issue the OP is having.

And the only way out of it was to shut the system down completely, use Shut Down in Windows and Power Off the entire system, then restart the computer.   If I just tried a restart option, many times I got the same issue over and over.  Had to turn a complete shut down to full power off, then power back on before I could get the same program to install.   Sometimes things get left on the HD during a failed install and Windows does not realize the process ever aborted or was interrupted, so the next time you try to re-run the installer, Windows will still think it's running from the previous attempt{s}.   And restart usually won't work to stop this, only a full power off shutdown is the only way to remove those files that are still waiting to be installed, even though they have nothing to do, Windows thinks they do and will hang up with the error the OP seems to have reoccurring,    Just saying this has been MY experiences with this particular error and issue and how I had to get rid of it before I could install a program that during the install phase got corrupted, disoriented, power hiccup or process may have been aborted midway through install process.

Again, this has been MY experience, others may have had different outcomes.   I really think sometimes it depends on other factors, CPU type, Speed of system, how old or new it is, etc.  Just far too many variable to know what may work for some, may or may not work for others.

This kind of stuff is what tends to give IT Techs nightmares, trying to figure out which or what variables will or will not work to fix something! LOL

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