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S4 SS - Intensity


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Is it possible to reduce the overall intensity of a specific feature (morph, scene, smooth effect) ? Would like to really use some features of some props as a dimly lit background rather than having them off. I do not see a means to do that

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For all of the effects you can create them with less than 100% intensity. Realize that if they are LEDs you can reduce the intensity but even at 10% intensity it would be more accurate to call it "less bright" instead of "dim."

Also, there is a feature that lets you reduce the intensity of all selected effects. Do the following:

1) select the effects you want to reduce instensity

2) click on the Tools menu and select "Move or Scale Selected Effects."

3) Click on "Change Intensity" and you can reduce the intensity by whatever percentage you specify


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Works as advertised, Thanks Brian ! Forgot all about that little intensity choice at the bottom of the scaling pull down.




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