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LOR HUB Runtime error on startup


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Just installed LOR S5 v5.3.2 and when i try to open LOR Hub I receive the following error:

Run-time error 50003 unexpected error.

Any ideas?



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Uninstall/registry wipe/reinstall.

I sent you the long form of that via your help desk ticket.  That should get you going.

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1 hour ago, Jamie Geller said:

Mine is doing the same. 

Same thing, do a complete uninstall, registry wipe and then install again. If I am not mistaken it has something to do with the .dll files.

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Hmmm..  1 person is usually their computer.  3 of you says there is something weird going on.  

I'd like to do a remote session with one of you.  Any of you that are available 10A to 4PM EDT and want to do one, please let me know in a ticket.  I can even do it today.

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Ok, so I did a remote with (I think) Vince4Xmas and I'm still not able to pin down the problem.

I know he was running Windows 8.  Are all the rest of you running Windows 8 as well?

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I am also getting a LOR Hub runtime error '76' - Path Not Found  error when trying to start LOR Hub.

Slightly different scenario- Running WIndows 10 under Parallels 14 on a 2019 MacBook Pro.  I can run the sequencer and the superstar modules, network config, etc....but not LOR Hub

I have uninstalled 5.2.4, done the regwipe, rebooted, installed 5.3.2, same problem


Update!  uninstalled again, reboot, registry wipe (saved license), reboot, install 5.2.4....altered file location for LOR sequences....was set to a shared Mac/Windows folder....changed to user Windows user...new folder.  Got a warning about permissions, but continued anyway! Finished install, rebooted....LOR Hub comes up now!



Edited by Frankieswi
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SOLUTION for MacBook Pro/Parallels/Windows 10 LORHub Runtime Error "76" Path Not Found


Read my previous post!

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  • 2 weeks later...

HURRAH!!!!  With help from Vince4XMas, I was able to track down and fix the run-time error.   THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP, Vince!

For the Geeks:  It turns out that there was an issue between his computer and one of the icons I use in the toolbar.  This icon has been in use since Hub was created 2 years ago and never had an issue prior to this release.  To me that says there is a bug in the Windows VB Run-time library that only shows up with a very explicit set of circumstances.  Replacing this icon with a Bitmap icon fixes the issue (or possibly changes the circumstance enough that the error does not happen).

This fix (along with some other ones) will be in the next release.  We expect that release to happen later this week, or sometime next.

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