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lighting contest 2018

DLH lites

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Has there been any news about the 2018 contest, so far I see nuttin. I do see my   2 displays in the posted videos for 2018. one is David Hardin,Fort lauderdale, one is John Barrett(the static part) near the end of the list

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Don't hold your breath. Results don't usually appear until near Christmas.

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Thanks Guys, I will take a chill pill ,besides I got lots to do. Lites, spt1 wire, plugs wire ties, new music ,programming two new controllers,  changing the landscaping, replacing cfi outlets , new tune to sign ,OMG I need to quit my job, there may not be enough time,golly !!!!!!!!!!!  Does Santa give the ELVES a day off, I just want to know???????


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