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S5 down sides in my opinion


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So this may just be me but, here I go

1. No way to import Channel config

2. Has to match Visualizer 

3. No way to easily add channels in sequence. 

4. Doesn't transfer s4 sequence channels over correctly. 

5. Found making props harder

6. Adds an motion effect to everything even basic channels that cant use effects. 

7. Hard to program individual pixel nodes in a string. Due to numbering issue. (No clear node number, on new strings) (stings from s4 still show the same as in s4 until changed in s5)

8. Alot of the easy access buttons in s4 now hard to find in s5. 

I'll update more later.

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9. When building strings of 100 with 1 bend it still numbers the second string 1-50(where is 51-100) and no it's not the same.  

Jacked my sequence all up, half the strings are backwards. And flipping does not work. 


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for 1 and 2 - Let me start by saying that until this year, none of my lights were pixels just standard sets and I have only used LOR for 2 years. So far, I actually like the channel options in S5.   I was already using visualizer so I had mapped all of my channels so this may have helped the transition.  In fact, the S4 channel mappings export/import was one of the things I didn't like.  When I would go to make a change such as swapping 2 channels, I had to go to every sequence and import the channels again.  Since the channel import was done by simple order, I had to make sure that all of my sequence had the strings in the sequence that matched the import ( this was painful when bringing in a sequence from someone else).   Now, once I make a change, all of the sequences automatically reflect it.  

It did take me a while to find the grid import and export in S5 which does the grid remapping to match how I want to see them.   At least for me, this has helped a lot since I am new and some things are still in flux. 

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I had issues with channel imports and tracks, when trying to switch to s5... it would randomly delete channels from groups and groups themselves. And it would be different channels for each sequence I opened.  So I switched back.  May try again after Christmas, but stuck with s4 for now.

Changing channels in s4 is not that big of deal, I have made it a habit that when I change something I export.  And always import the channel config every time I open a sequence.  

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yeah right now I am dealing with a huge deal for me, and that is my mega tree that has full video on it. S5 has completely screwed up my tree bc when doing 100 pixels in 2 strings with 1 bend the second string is not CH 151 it is 50 counting down to 1 again not how my sequence is set up and I cant flip it bc it flips everything not just channels. If I can get s4 back on this pc I am more than likely going back. Unless I can run s4 saved sequences through the show player with out opening them first.

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10. After making prop IE Mega tree, you cant view or change channels. you have to go off the built in builder even if its wrong.

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If you are unhappy with S5 going back is just a process of uninstalling S5 and putting S4 back on. I have been back and forth at least a dozen times, to make adjustments to the Visualizer before I was happy with it. Still had to edit a bunch of labels but it was a one time thing. By and large S5 got the important stuff right and the converted sequences play exactly as they did in S4. I have 16 tracks with a lot of groups and they are still there. 

If I only had a few sequences I would probably start from scratch with a new Preview, but I have nearer to 60 so there's no way I'm doing that.

Original, unconverted S4 files will play in the S5 player just fine. At least they did for me..

The current release has no support for basic RGB editing with the three colours as separate channels. This is reported to be returning in the next release. While I wait for that I am getting to know S5.

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