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Finding which column your in


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OOPS... should have been "you're in" not your in... sorry about that!


I insert an extra channel, at the top, to use in marking beats that I want to synchronize on.

Is there a way of highlighting that column so that when I scroll down to the bottom of my channels I still know where that particular column is? It gets rather tedious hovering over the square to read which column I'm on.

I'm sure this will be one of those head-slappers once someone informs me - :?

Thanks for the help!

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Not exactly, but you could put it in a track by itself, and move that track to the top of the sequence. Then (unless you scroll to an offscreen track) that channel will always be displayed at the top (even if you scroll through the channels of an onscreen track).

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That's one of those luxury features I wish I had.... as well as keeping multiple tracks in sync as I scroll left or right.

The way I do this is to temporarily click and hold mouse down in a upper cell (assumming you clicked the pointer icon first) and drag down to highlight the whole column to the other cell I want to view.

Funny how the more that LOR gives us, the more we want ;-)
I think it is a pretty good program already.

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Richard Hamilton wrote:

The way I do this is to temporarily click and hold mouse down in a upper cell (assumming you clicked the pointer icon first) and drag down to highlight the whole column to the other cell I want to view.

That’s what I do. I keep thinking that a split screen or the ability to “freeze” channels (similar to Excel) would be helpful.

A split screen would make it easy to transfer data to different channels and also times. Several times I’ve been going along pasting an effect and jumped up or down a channel half way through.
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Oh, sorry, I misread the question. After reading the other people's responses, there's another way to accomplish the same thing that they do, which you might (or might not) find easier:

Edit / Select / Columns

If you are a keyboardcentric user, that's "Alt-E / S / C".

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bob wrote:

another way to accomplish the same thing that they do, which you might (or might not) find easier:

Edit / Select / Columns

If you are a keyboardcentric user, that's "Alt-E / S / C".

Hmmm, that's an interesting way, if I can remember to do it.

It sure would be nice to have some keyboard accelerators assigned to some of the common functions like this one. It appears that none of the function keys (except for F5) are currently being used and none of the ctrl keys being used except for the default ones the Visual Studio assigns.

You might consider that on the next update. Assigning accelerators is only about a 5 minute task.
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If you are using the waveform, there is a cross hair that moves with the mouse and if your beat column is at the top, the crosshair will be right above it. That is how I easily reference columns down the screen.

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Actually, there seems to be exactly what you want. If you put your mouse in the 'Time Scale' and click & drag either to the left or right, a gray bar appears all the way from there to the bottom. So you can 'highlight' an single timing event or several sequential timing events.

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jrbryant wrote:

John... THAT'S IT!!! That's EXACTLY what I've been looking for... thank you SO MUCH!!! :P

Da Nada, as we say here in the southwest. I found it accidently, and then took me a while to figure out how to get rid of it (click somewhere else in the time scale)
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The time scale thing will work, but this is not what it was intended for, so it might have side effects that you don't want.

It's actually for creating a "freeform play range", which can be used to play any part of a sequence. If you use the space bar to stop and start play, and you have a freeform play range set, it will behave differently than it otherwise would.

For details, please see the following page in the help file:

The Light-O-Rama Software Package / Sequence Editor / Freeform Play Mode

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jrbryant wrote:

John... THAT'S IT!!! That's EXACTLY what I've been looking for... thank you SO MUCH!!! :(

I tried that method many times last night. I like it. That's a faster process. Good suggestion.
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It's funny how the lack of flexible channel grouping control ... has IMHO, resulted in using S2' track feature for grouping as much (or more) as we use it for keeping different timings.

It would amazing if tags could be used for grouping (and filtering what you see), so you don't have to create tracks just for organizing. And along those line, you could spin off a new track based on the the tag results. So if you had tagged your mini-trees with the minitrees1 tag, then you quickly spin a new track off based on "minitrees1". If you also added white or red tags to the mini trees, you could then spin off a new track based on tags "minitrees1" + "white" ... or +"red" ... see the power of tags?

I think getting back to the original point of this thread, that having better organizational control (and filtered views based on tags) ... you would be hardly ever be lost.

I also kind of like the idea of having a little led light next to each channel, and when your mouse is over a given channel, that light goes on while its the active (mouseover) channel.

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bob wrote:

The time scale thing will work, but this is not what it was intended for, so it might have side effects that you don't want.

It's actually for creating a "freeform play range", which can be used to play any part of a sequence. If you use the space bar to stop and start play, and you have a freeform play range set, it will behave differently than it otherwise would.

For details, please see the following page in the help file:

The Light-O-Rama Software Package / Sequence Editor / Freeform Play Mode

To add to the above, if you have a part of sequence you need to loop to find your problem then mark your area as above but give it a second or more on each side, then go to "PLAY", "LOOP AT END", then by hitting the space bar then clicking on the visualizer screen the play area will keep looping. Hit the stop button when done.
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You might try adding multiple beat tracks. Have one at the top, then add a dummy channel down lower as a visual as you scroll down. Just copy and paste your beat track down your sequence and label it Beat track. Not sure if this made sense or helps you out.

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