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LOR Software Help Files

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I've finished sequencing my first song. (Yeah, me!) It's TSO's Queen of Winter using 45 channels; not big by PC standards, but a great start in my mind! Anyway, I wanted to export the channel configuration and animation window so that I can use them in the other sequences I will be creating. The "Export/Import Configuration" worked, but I can't seem to find how to get the animation window.

I tried to go to the help menus but nothing opens on my PC. Any ideas where I can find the help files? I'm one of those strange people who actually read the manuals:D. I purchased the LOR software in December 2005. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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First, most of the help files have been transferred to the LOR Wiki.

When you export a sequence, it will also save the animation view.

When you import a sequence, it will ask you if you want to import the animation view.

To see the animation window, click "File -> View -> Animation." (That's from memory, should be close.)

Help Files:
If you click File -> Help and nothing appears, your computer may not be set up to handle the help file format correctly. The default configuration would be so that you could view them, so something may have happened.

Try looking in your LOR directory on your computer, and see if you have any .hlp or "Help Files" listed. Double click those, and see what happens.

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Thanks for the tips. I'll try the import again. When I did it the first time, it imported the channels, but I never got prompt for the animation import. Cross your fingers...


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Yes, there is definitely something there to import. I tried it again, and it worked. Don't know what I did the first time. Perhaps I inadvertently clicked through the prompts. Thanks for the help, and I now I know where the help files are.


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