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What was the best thing added to your show this year?

Wayne K

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I added 19 LOR floods pointed to the street / audience and 8 candy canes with rgb pixels in them. The floods really give the show some pop and have had several comments and questions about them. People have also commented about the 8 candy canes that I converted over to the rgb pixel strips in them. It took me a while to touch every sequence and add the new floods and canes in, But well worth the time spent. I also added 400 of the new mini strobes to my mega tree and liked them so much that I took the mega tree spinning in the preshow mode and made it static on with the 400 twinkling strobes on all the time. I like this effect when the full show is not running.



Edited by Wayne K
Mega tree mini strobes
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I will give two answers - what I like the most and what viewers like the most.

What I like best was to rebuild my 12 x 50 pixel tree into a 24 x 100 pixel tree.  Looks SO MUCH BETTER!

What my viewers like the best is my two Holiday Coro Singing Christmas trees.  Besides the normal eight channels for each tree, I added two strings of traditional multi-color strings that I use for my instrumental songs.  i also added a pink bow to each tree that is used when there is a female singer.


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Its a tie ti me. I built my 2 singing guitar and banjo snowmen last Christmas with nothing else to do. I had plans for all 20 singers this year but mother nature compiled with a major computer crash did not allow me to get all 20 set up. I ended up with 15 singers. 

along with making sequencing more complicated with the addition of my RGB roof outline with no sequences prepared. Contractor dropped a 60' ladder on my circles which survived.

The viewers come to see the faces but are intrigued by the 8 circles


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Along with changing to all smart Pixels this year, I built two, 200 channel Pixel palm trees and they were a hit. 

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Replaced 4 long/ugly orange extension cords with green SPT1, 3 firesticks, 2 leaping arches.....and a partridge in a pear tree lol!

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I moved this year. Just trying to setup props that were designed for a different house proved interesting. So what was the best new? I too have two answers. 

1. Loved the new mini strobes. Ordered more after Halloween and more again during CLE’s Black Friday sell. 

2. New neighborhood meant new audience. Had a great time at my old house. Was really concerned new neighbors might be turdheads. Got lucky. They are great as well!

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Used S5 this year for the first time.  Had to learn a lot in 1 month.

Last year used Xlights . Same sequences and I can say that S5 did a much better job on the sequences.

Also was 100% wireless IP's.

Love both changes.

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2 hours ago, Box on Rails said:

Along with changing to all smart Pixels this year, I built two, 200 channel Pixel palm trees and they were a hit. 

Having seen Kenny's palm trees a few nights ago, I can say that they are unique - of course this is southern California, so palm trees are all over the place :)


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A couple seasons ago I bought three 8-channel arches from a fellow LOR forum member.  Was only able to add them to the show this year and I got a LOT of compliments on them, and my husband said they are his new favorite thing in the light show.  Right now they are only white - my plan is to add red and green so that each arch is 24 channels, allowing even more wow factor next year.

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We didn't have anything new this year, just added more lights to some props. Our mini trees went from 150ish lights each to about 700 lights each! I did get a bunch of the mini strobes but they never made it out into the show. :( Mainly due to the weather, lots of rain this year.

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9 minutes ago, rcktpwrd said:

We didn't have anything new this year, just added more lights to some props. Our mini trees went from 150ish lights each to about 700 lights each! I did get a bunch of the mini strobes but they never made it out into the show. :( Mainly due to the weather, lots of rain this year.

my favorite part of your show was the tree wraps you did, awesome!

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11 hours ago, wasteddad said:

First year so everything i added


That’s always a bonus on the fun side but a minus on the wallet side

Welcome to the addiction


Edited by dibblejr
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1 hour ago, dibblejr said:

That’s always a bonus on the fun side but a minus on the wallet side

Welcome to the addiction


This year I only spent $40 on some new icicle lights and some blow ups but I had all the lights and other lawn decorations from previous years. The extension cords I got lucky because my family would do a  haunted maze for Halloween so we have a bunch of those. And for the 16 channel box, I got that from an old friend who would help with the haunted house and gave it to us for the pumpkin patch. This is the first year applying it to Christmas and actually setting up everything my self, as well as copy and pasting sequences. Which I came across some troubles but it was exciting to see it all come together in the end.

I can't wait till next year! I love this drug!

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29 minutes ago, ItsMeBobO said:

Love hearing about all these upgrades!    Where are the pictures?    

Agreed. I did post a couple videos ,  videos are worth a thousand pictures.


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