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S5 sequence editor question


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When I open up sequences I did last year and assign them to my 2018 preview it mixes the channels with different props.  Some props I don't have any more and I have added some.  

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I have the same issue every year when I add things. Wish they would do something about that, especially with the pixel editor.  This year some of my existing pixel  prop definitions changed by themselves.  Wish you luck, just check through everything.  I found when props don't work (light up) from the pixel editor you need to copy the program data and re-paste it.  Then it seems to work.  Basically the software has many glitches that go unresolved. I always have props that have programming but don't light up, so I re-paste and re-save the intensity data. Then if you're lucky they light up. Had one prop in a specific program that just wouldn't light up no matter what I did but it worked on all other sequences.

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