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Controlling lights in S5


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I set up a falcon controller to use with my show. I am trying to test it out and I keep getting an error saying that there are preview problems that must be corrected before I can proceed. I have 1 16 channel controller, the falcon and a cmbd 24 controller. The 16 channel controller has multiple props using the same channels which in the preview gives me conflicts. No big deal, I understand it. But it seems that it is preventing me from controlling my lights when I select control lights and try and start a sequence. Anybody have any ideas?    p.s. control panel is running, com listener is running.

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For your duplicate channels, when defining the channels, near the upper right corner is a setting for "Use the same channels as:" and a dropdown.  Think of one light as the master and set the others that share that same channel with that master channel.  For example, on my singing faces there are four strings that share the "Eyes Open" channel - Right Upper eyelid, Left Upper eyelid, Right eyeball,  & Left eyeball.  I have the Right upper eyelid as the "master" for that channel.  The others are set so that use the same channels as Right upper eyelid.  Note that at least as of a month or two ago, you still needed to actually specify the channel assignments.  Matt said that would get fixed in a later release.  I have not checked to see if it is fixed.

That should clear your error.

BTW, the subject specifies doing this in S5, but your profile shows you using 4.3.14.  I assume you have upgraded to S5.   Please update your profile to avoid confusion.


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