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Define a sub-section of a prop


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I have a matrix which is 50 high by 64 wide...64 vertical columns of 50 pixels each.

I wonder if it is possible, in S5 Preview, to dine the outer 2 rows of pixels all the way around the matrix as if it were a different prop.

I do not want this border prop to be used in every instance, only if I choose to assign effects to it. For example, in many songs I may place an image, or video on the entire matrix. In another song I may place an image in the center of the matrix, but want the effects I have sweeping across the entire display to include the border of the matrix as they sweep past it.

Is this possible with Groups or something?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Has no one done this - or know how to do this??????

I guess I should mention that I am interested in doing this in S5.

Along the same lines, is it possible to define specific pixels on the matrix to be used in much the same way as the sections of pixels that make up a coro singing tree or lightbulb? 

Again, I guess it's like a sub-section of the matrix that could be addressed easily in sequencing???????

Edited by jamills706
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  • 4 weeks later...

It depends on how the matrix is designed with prop editor. In the gif below I was able to create the effect I think you both are after  - *except* the vertical columns on the sides. I not sure how important the entire matrix having a frame around it is to you.

I can see how it could be done *if* the prop was designed with this feature in mind, however one issue that comes to mind is how to build a preview that would also work with a Superstar grid.

My matrix (as it now) is 16 strings running left to right, and string 1 is bottom and string is top.

If you are looking for something like what is shown in the gif, let me know and I can make a quick "how to" gif. This was done in S5.

I am busy and didn't want to spend a lot of time on this if this wasn't what you are after. In order to do this, we need to know how your matrix is designed. ie. horizontial rows or vertical columns?




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Thanks for the reply Alan.  I am still trying to decide whether or not to add a matrix in 2019.  I was intrigued by the original question and starting thinking about the possible effects I might be able to create.  You bring up a good point about being able to use a Superstar grid.

- Jade

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One thing you may try is to create lets say 4 motion rows and sub divide the prop into 4 sections then apply the effects into the section you wish to use. You can achieve this vertically or horizontally.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm listening for any great suggestions on this topic. Here's why. For Christmas, my matrix mostly displays a fireplace. The "mantle"  is a jpeg. This is the equivalent of a border. The "firebox and fire" is a gif of flames or some other stuff.

I resize both to fit correctly using Adobe Photoshop Elements. The gif image is the size of the firebox but the canvas size is the same as the mantle jpeg. I enter the jpeg as a motion effect on one row and the gif on another row. This allows me to change what's happening in the firebox zone with other gifs or jpegs.

The problem with this approach is that it doesn't work if you're using motion effects other than "Picture".

My dream solution would be to have the ability to look at a preview of the matrix, select a group of pixels and create a new prop. There's probably a way of doing this pixel by pixel. Ouch! 


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Here's a short video I did after playing around with Sub Sections and props. I think this more of what people in this thread are asking about.



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