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Creating LOR MP3 Show Question


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I was creating a show with two sequences in the LOR Hardware Utility, and it asked for a selection on the following:

"SD Card is for a Generation 3 or Newer Director" followed by "Number of Ports", 1, 2, or 4. 

What is this, and what should I select?  I'm using the new controller with the G3MP3 installed, but I also have an old LOR 1602.  They're going to both have ELL devices connected.

Screen Shot 2018-10-15 at 11.47.50 PM.png

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Well, since you have a 1602G3MP3 controller/director, then you have a Gen 3 or newer director.

Last I checked they had two ports on there, so you'd select two. You'd then have a Regular and Aux A network coming out of the director. (If memory serves, someone correct me if I'm wrong.)

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On 10/16/2018 at 2:02 AM, Don said:

Well, since you have a 1602G3MP3 controller/director, then you have a Gen 3 or newer director.

Last I checked they had two ports on there, so you'd select two. You'd then have a Regular and Aux A network coming out of the director. (If memory serves, someone correct me if I'm wrong.)

I'm assuming there are varients that have one or four ports, hence the option.  I followed through, and in the process unchecked the option to strip the header.  When I plugged in the SD card, the box is alternating between the time, and saying what appears to be "WAIT".  I don't see anything in the manual for "WAIT", and I've given it a few minutes.  I manually entered the current time on the controller from the box itself.  Do I have to program it from the SD card, or does WAIT mean something else?   I've added a picture of the G3-MP3 showing "WAIT", and the ports available, including the one occupied by the green CAT5 cable going to the ELL.

On the upside, the older 1602 is showing a solid red light, which seems to indicate that it's made a connection.


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So fun story, I took another look at the unit, and noticed there is a PM notation.  It took me a few times for it to hold PM instead of AM, but when I did that, it started playing.  Now the second unit doesn't look like it's going, despite having a solid red connection light.  I am currently connected to the first Cat5 port on the LOR1602W G3 and the first port on the 1602 with the blue board.  When I removed the Cat5 on the second unit to test the second port, the red light did start flashing, indicating it lost the connection.  It picked it back up as long as it's in either port.  The 1062W G3 is marked as Unit 01 and the older 1602 is set to Unit 02.  In my programming, I only have two LOR units, 01 and 02.  I tried to get a picture of the manual selector for the older unit, but the pictures are too large for this forum.

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if for some reason it won't upload an image because it's too big, You can upload images to tinypic.com then copy the URL link it gives you for layouts .. when sending a reply on here you click on "insert other media" then select insert image from URL. That will display your image here.

Edited by GriswoldStyle
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To expand a little on what GriswoldStyle said, the forum software has a total upload limit for each user that is quite small - last figure I heard was 500k bytes.  Although the forum will allow you to upload graphic files, it does not take much to exceed the 500k limit.  What most of us do is upload the graphic files to a website and post the link.  The website can be a photo or file sharing site, a personal website (your ISP most likely provides web space for you for free with your internet account), or any other website that you can upload files to. In my case, I run my own web server, so that’s where I put files. Then just type or copy and paste the link into your forum post.  BTW, you do not need to use the “insert other media” option - just paste the complete link.  The forum software will pull up the graphic file and give you an option to show the file or make it a link (default is to show the file).

If you are using a file sharing site, make sure that the file is shared, or else you will see it, but no one else will.


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I'm reasonably certain I have a connection via ELL based on the solid red light.  Is there a specific way to build out a show for the SD card if using an additional controller (especially it's older)?

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10 hours ago, GriswoldStyle said:

if for some reason it won't upload an image because it's too big, You can upload images to tinypic.com then copy the URL link it gives you for layouts .. when sending a reply on here you click on "insert other media" then select insert image from URL. That will display your image here.

I am glad you posted this- now I remember where I started putting my photos after photo bucked started extorting is.


I have been looking every site I could think of. For whatever reason tinypic never come up on my google search.

Anotjer member here had recommended it after the afformentioned event.


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5 minutes ago, dibblejr said:


I have been looking every site I could think of. For whatever reason tinypic never come up on my google search.


Also Flickr charges flat rate $5 a month. Even though it says no third-party hosting all my eBay listings hot link to image and have been for the last year or two ever since Photobucket started playing games.

Edited by GriswoldStyle
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3 hours ago, k6ccc said:

BTW, you do not need to use the “insert other media” option - just paste the complete link.  The forum software will pull up the graphic file and give you an option to show the file or make it a link (default is to show the file).

Thank you for clarifying that I knew it did it with videos, but was not sure if it did it with images.

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Notes taken from my LOR ticket:
I was successfully able to test each controller separately.  I had connected an LED flood light to channel 1 of the LOR1062W G3 and the same light to channel 15 of the LOR1602.  Both came on, though I originally had to correct the RF configuration to get comm port 3 to work(I don't understand what that is exactly, but I got around it).  Additionally, they were loaded with the correct unit number in the Hardware utility.  When reconnected everything as it should be, and plugged the LED in LOR1602 channel 1, nothing happened.

The Sequence looks correct from the Channel Configuration.  Given the fact the second box says it's seeing a signal with that red status light, I have to wonder if the way I built the show is correct.  I went into the LOR Hardware tool, to the MP3 tab, selected "Plays during scheduled times", set the times, added the two animation sequences, selected "Loop through showlist continuously", and clicked create the show.  When the Generation 3 option came up, I clicked that and "2" for number of ports, and then unchecked the remove header option.  

I'm more than happy to rebuild this show, but I need to know what I didn't do correctly.

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I’m thinking - network issues 

Also do not rely on HU to tell you anything other than your lights work and your unit ID is set properly ( in the HU)

Just because things work in HU does not mean it’s going to work in SE

Yoi still have more work to do

I do not even test lights in HU- I made a test sequence. If that doesn’t work I would know I have some work to do


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I tested my theory that it was something with how the show was configured, by rebuilding using the Simple Show Builder, and wham!  The older box turns on.  I'm going to monitor it to see if it behaves, but the next step is to see what went wrong using the Hardware Utility to build out the show.  Hopefully this system works better then when I had the ELL connected to my laptop.  The system would periodically stay on, not start, etc. 

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