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Help! With Connecting Computer to Controllers


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Brand new to this, and I've hit a wall trying to connect my computer to controllers using hardware utility.  I purchased the LOR package that comes with the pre-built CTB16PCG3 controller, and I also have 2 of the Pixie 16D controllers.  I have tried to connect all 3 to my computer using the USB 485 adapter.  I've read the online instructions, as well as the manual that came with both controllers.  Installed the drivers using the CD provided, then downloaded the CDM20830_Setup file and tried again.  I've followed all sequences of rebooting, plugging in, etc.  I've tried multiple USB ports on my desktop, and have tried 3 data cables including the cable provided by LOR.  The controllers are powered on with green light blinking (red blinking on the Pixie16), and I have testing the controllers on lights and know they are functioning.  The desktop recognizes the USB connection, but every time I run the Hardware Utility and hit Auto Configure I get the "Port Not Found" dialogue box.  Once the dialogue box pops up, the Utility Hardware then becomes unresponsive half the time and I have to close the software.  I've spent hours trying to figure this out and now feel like an idiot, so posting for some help before giving up till next year.  Any ideas on what else I could try would be appreciated. Is there any way for the USB485 adapter to malfunction?  Running a Dell XPS with Windows 10, with all updates as of last week.  

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Mr. P:

The software version is 4.3.26. 

The license level is Basic Plus

The USB485 adapter is black, it is not the high speed red one.   Thanks!

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6 minutes ago, Monsen said:

Mr. P:

The software version is 4.3.26. 

The license level is Basic Plus

The USB485 adapter is black, it is not the high speed red one.   Thanks!

First off before you can use the Pixie16's you will need to upgrade your license to Pro as they will need a enhanced network, plus the Pixies will use 32 unit IDs and you license only covers 4. You will also need to have the red adapter for the higher speeds, you may be able to get away with the black but the red is highly recommended.

Edited by Mr. P
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As Mr P. stated, your license doesn't cover what you need,You do REQUIRE the PRO License to achieve your goal, you WILL also need the RED High Speed USB adapter,  I have a black USB RS485B Adapter in a Regular LOR Network for my Gen 2 CTB16PC Controllers, and the RED HS adapter for my 5 CCD {Pixel} Controllers.   Before I got the red HS adapter, my CTB16PC's would cause the CCD controllers to lag when the Pixel lights would be in operation.  Pixels need a separate Network, my RED HS USB RS485 Adapter is set to Aux A, 500K and Enhanced, pixels REQUIRE this to operate reliably and without lag times from other controllers that are non pixel related that could slow them down.

If you have GEN 3 controllers they can do 500K and Enhanced, however if you have a PixCon 16 these can run at the highest network speed of 1,000K, Enhanced and are recommended to be set there, still requiring 2 adapters, however, this would REQUIRE 2 RED HS Adapters to control each Network, as you'd need 2 HS networks, 500K Enhanced for the GEN 3 Controllers {as they can handle that} and 1 for the 1,000K Enhanced speed for a PixCon 16.

So in most cases you're going to need at least 2 Networks depending on the devices you're using.  Regular and Aux A.

Now as for your Comm port problem, DO NOT USE the AUTO CONFIGURE in the Hardware Utility, click on the drop down box below that and then select a Comm Port that is available for use, once your USB485 type adapter is plugged in a Comm port should be listed, you will see None as the current option, click on the little arrow icon, and you should see at least one comm port available {depends on how many USB RS485 adapters you have connected, the more connected, the more comm ports you can select.  I have my Regular {black} USB RS485B as  Regular Network, 57.6k speed {recommended} for my CTB16PC Gen 2 AC Controller on Comm 3, my RGB Controllers are on Network Aux A, 500K, Enhanced and on Comm 4 via the RED High Speed RS485 Adapter.

Once you have your adapters in place and the comm port{s} set in the HWU, then you will need to go and set the Networks up in the Network Configuration Utility to make everything talk to each other from the SE, Show Player, etc.  Make sure you save this configuration from the Network Configuration Utility, just in case you may have to reload it later.

Good Luck getting everything in order and operational.

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Thanks for all the feedback.  I'll move forward with the upgrades and try again!  Just don't tell my wife I'm spending more money on this already...

Mr. P - As a fellow Army Vet, thank you for your service!

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5 hours ago, Monsen said:

Thanks for all the feedback.  I'll move forward with the upgrades and try again!  Just don't tell my wife I'm spending more money on this already...

Mr. P - As a fellow Army Vet, thank you for your service!

When you get that license upgrade if you need assistance with setting those up and configuring your network shoot me a message. No charge. 

Like my friend Mr. P retired, US Army

Thank you for your service as well.


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