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Running CCR lights inside SuperStar?

Star Lord

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I used the Pixel Editor to create my matrix for my 4th of July show, and I could run\turn on my pixels inside the editor before importing into Sequence Editor to build my show.  I am beginning to work on my DIY mega tree for Christmas and want to use SuperStar with my CCR ribbons.  The online tutorials I’ve seen don’t show me a way to run my lights from SS.  is the only way to do this by importing into Sequence Editor?

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Unfortunately there is no way to drive the lights from within SuperStar.  You are dependent on the SuperStar Visualization (which does work quite well).  I do essentially all my sequencing in SuperStar.

Note, for future reference, when asking SuperStar specific questions, you are better off asking in the SuperStar section of the forum.  Brian Bruderer (who wrote SuperStar) regularly monitors that forum and is pretty quick to answer.

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