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HLD 4.0 Latest update....

David Barnett

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If you are using HLD 4.0 get the latest update.

I had a working project for Halloween that was approx. 39MB, yes 39MB!

Michaels new version after a project save......930KB...yes, 930KB! Awesome.:) It took approx 3 secs to load the file initialy. he's done a super job guys and gals.

I know I sound like a walking ad for HLD...don't mean too. I've used all versions since it's start...this is by far the best so far. So far, this latest update is very stable and fast! Of course I don't have bunch of megas etc, but I know Michael worked on those and behaviours as well.

I jsut watched my Halloween theme edits after the update, I was just excited. Plus, a bonus...I didn't have to redo my Halloween stuff again, it saved over just fine.

Now, back to work. If you have been trying to use HLD 4 with the frustrations, I think you might be pleased with this update..seems very stable and fast.

Have Fun:D


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