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background pic


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hi all. would like to know how to use a pic of my house in the sequence editor? my wife took a couple shots with her digital camera and downloaded onto a disk. i then downloaded pics off disc onto puter and chose the one i wanted to use . when i use it as background pic is way to big for the grid. how do i get a pic to fit the grid. all help greatly appreciated. thanks chris

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The issue is that the image is actually too large (too many pixels) to fit on your screen (any programs that do display it on your screen are not displaying it at its full size).

You can make a smaller copy of the image with a graphics editing program. A free one that is pretty good (in my opinion) is GIMP:

In GIMP, you can do this by using the "Scale Image" function from the "Image" menu.

If you need more details, or if this is not clear, please let me know. Thanks.

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OK, does (at least) one of those two windows have a "File" menu? If so, click it, and select "Open" from it. Use that to open up the file.

When the file opens, it will have its own menus at the top of its own window. Click on the "Image" menu, and select "Scale Image" from it.

Change either the "Width" or the "Height" to something more reasonable for your screen size (the other one should change automatically in proportion). Then click on the "Scale" button.

Then click the "File" menu, and select "Save As" (not "Save"), and save the scaled image to some new filename.

If this doesn't make sense, or if you don't see the menus or menu items I'm talking about, please let me know.

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