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Leaping Arch Question


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This year I'm going to devote one 16 channel controller to Leaping Arches. I would like to get some input on which would be a more impressive display - 3 arches with 5 segments or 2 arches with 7 segments?

Maybe 5 or even 7 segments are not enough to get a fluid motion. Any thoughts?

I've also noticed that a lot of people use odd numbers of segments; is this to have a segment centered in the middle of the arch?


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Jim -

7 Segments will certainly give you a smoother motion through the arch. It would depend on how big the arch is, and how fast the motion is moving through them. I believe most people use an odd number of channels per color per arch so that they have a "center" position.


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How about four 7 channel arches and have them paired off. 1 and 4 together and 2 and 3 together. This would give you a lot of sequencing options and still use less than one controller.
7 channels look very smooth. See any of my 07 videos for proof.

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How about having 1 and 3 together and 2 and 4 together? This way, all arches could scan in the same direction, or the first 2 and the last 2 could either scan towards each other or away from each other. In this case, the middle 2 would be the opposite of the outer 2 pairs.

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Can I tag on to this arch question on the length of each segment ?

Is 24 inches for each of 7 segments too big? My test tells me this will be 5 strings of 50 minis on 3/4 in PVC. I bought minis which are 4 inches apart so the wire is shorter. Oops! :( I thought I was doing a good thing.

How common is it for people to cut and splice 100s down to single wire 50s versus just using the minis as they come with three wires?

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ItsMeBobO wrote:

How common is it for people to cut and splice 100s down to single wire 50s versus just using the minis as they come with three wires?

I've done it a dozen times over the past few months and haven't had a problem. I think it's probably one of those person preference situations... to me it's just easier to cut them down than go buy some 50s.
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