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Ideas for attaching lights to vinyl siding and windows


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Hi Folks.

I was hoping someone could help me with this little problem. I had vinyl siding and windows installed on my home this year. I want to be able to hang my mini lights on the gutters and windows without making holes in the siding or window frames:shock:. I thought I would build a frame for each window and door and attach the lights to the frames and hang them that way. If anyone has done this, could you please let me know how you did it and the materials you used. Thanks Scrubs:cool:

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How about carpet tape. its double sided and thin, no foam center, just a vinyl center with sticky on both sides. Fairly reasonable in price.


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If the windows are recessed, you could try this type of product.


I haven't peronally tried them yet but I was thinking of using them for some of may windows. In my case the windows are flush on the outside, so I would need to mount them inside. That isn't an issue since this part of the house is still static (not on LOR controllers).

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You could also try hot glue. I have heard it recommended for brick, and it seems it would stick to vinyl and still come off without damage, but I would try an out-of-sight test area first.

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Suction cups on the glass. To hang things below the window, I use small brass S hooks wedged into the crack at the bottom. Then the appropriate amount of chain/wire/string hooked to the S hook.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi All,

Well I finally made my decision on how to attach my lights to my windows. I made wooden frames out of 1x2's. I used staples and brads to afix the mitters. I also primed the joints with black primer (didn't have any white lol) to protect against the New England weather. They came out great!. Now to paint them and attach the lights with staples. They will be an easy install and easy to remove at the end of the season. Plus, I will be able to use them for many years and store them in the garage after the holidays! WOOO HOOO! :P I want to thank you all for the great ideas. I attached a picture of the finished frame.

Thanks Again Scrubs

Attached files 155860=8990-PICT0410.JPG

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


Well I put my frames one the house this morning. They fit between the stormwindow and the siding molding. I just tapped them in place with a rubber mallet. The fit was snug and tight so I didn't have to use screws to hold then in place. I attached a picture of the finished project. Thanks again for all the great ideas.


Attached files 158582=9186-PICT0033.JPG

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