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lor sequence


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hi all, am new to lor and i have purchased the halloween sequence packages 1and 2 and also the tso lost xmas eve sequence package. i'm not real good on puter so i'd like to know if anyone can help me ? i want to know how to download these sequences. step by step instruction will be greatly appreciated thank you to all who respond chico ss

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start off by knowing where your 2 folders are. one is audio folder and the second is sequence folder. ( c/document and setting/all users/lightorama/)creating a short cut on your desktop. this will help later. with the new sequence,drag it to the folder and do the same for the song. you do have to seperate each one. when you start the sequence editor and click on open file you'll see the sequence. sometimes you might have to direct which song goes with the sequence. click (edit/ audio file) click on the right song that goes with your sequence and save. you only need to do it once you import a new sequence.

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