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Halloween show...lotta of questions

David Barnett

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Hi folks, newbie here. I have some really crazy ideas for Halloween this year..first with the LOR.;)

I need to try and video tape my Crank Ghost under fairly dark conditions, as well as black light. Does anybody have experience(luck) with this?

Here is how I would like to lay out my show. I'll do it in several sequences..I hope.

I would like to have my ghost floating in the window, as she disappears; my BSTV "Halloween Scarols" will do a couple of songs.

Then, they fade away, ghost returns..then my first LOR show will play.

I'll be using a projector, for the ghost and scarols(ala Peppers ghost) Repeat-Rinse again..with differnet tunes and sequences.

Is it best to put my Ghost floating video, and Scarols video on the same DVD and try and get the timing correct?

Would it be better to create animations sequences for the ghost and scarols, if so, what would be a good not too complicated(if possible) method of doing this?

I realize I have a big undertaking, but that's half the fun...right.:)

Thanks in advance, for any insight.



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Not sure how many Haunters there are here who know what a crank ghost is.

Motorized three string puppet

You have a lot of options to sync up the ghost and the scarols. LOR S2 allows you to play a video while a sequence runs. No need to sync up a separate DVD player device, use a video file on your controlling pc with a second video output to your projector.

Also you could use a real one with lights on & motor on the crank to bring it in to focus at the right time.
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Hi Bob, Thank You.

I forgot to mention, I am using the MP3 Director controller, hence having the projector seperate from the main sequences.

Consider the floating ghost and scarols would be considered the animation filler part of the show.

The scarols would play after one or possibly 2 musical sequences played.

I don't want the ghost and scarols playing at the same time. I just want the ghost to reappear, during the musical sequences. Then disappear when the scarols do another couple of tunes.

Is this making any sense?;)

Also, I'm already using my FlyingCrank Ghost in another window.

This is jsut an idea I wanted to try, to make it look as though a ghost was floating around in my dining room....ala Disney's Haunted Mansion.

Thanks again, for your kind assistance.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey David,

You could just let everything run and use floods to highlight those props with your LOR Controller or you could just cut the power to that prop using LOR as the on/off point. My Wife just runs her crank ghost while everything else is going on.

Be careful with motors and FM Transmission! Last year we found a few of our DC Motors caused a hell of a lot of noise over the FM Band while we were trying to broadcast.


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