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I think this has come up before. I would love a Select button where I can select certain effects. I mostly need this on images but all the different effects might be handy. I want to be able to change the "clip" on all the images in a sequence. Selecting them all at once and changing it one time sure would be handy. Thanks.

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Yes, I have run into the same thing. I do plan on putting something in that will change the clip region for all selected effects.

Right now you have to do it one effect type at a time. For instance to change the clip rectangle for all of the images, you do the following:

Bring up the Image dialog box.

Click on the top image action in the list.

Click on the Edit menu, then select "Select All Right"

Most of the time this will result in a selection group with the first image as the first effect in the selection. But sometimes there could be another effect starting at the same time as the first image. To remedy that, use Ctrl + mouse click to unselect effects that are not images that are at the beginning of the  selection group.

Once you have the first image as the first effect in the selection group, then you can click on "manual clip" specify the new clip rectangle, then click on "group modify" and it will change the clip rectangle for all of the images in the selection.

Note that with any "group modify" action, the program keys on the first effect in the selection group and modifies all of the effects of that type in the group.

So after doing the above, all of the images will have the new clip rectangle. You will then need to do the same thing for Text effects, Shockwave, Spiral, and Fan effects.


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One more item

I love the new update for adding images, being able to add the various slices without having to set the image screen every time is spot on.

It would be great if the same could be done with the effect time. If working with an image action and select .05/.10 or whatever and have that remain until we move to a new image would also be grand.



Edit** this was meant to be in a pm but somehow I posted here. 

Edited by dibblejr
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THANKS BRIAN! Using that method worked and I was able to change the clip on all the images rather easy. Didnt realize as long as the image is selected first, group modify will work. Good to know.

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In answer to dibblejr, yes if you are adding a large number of images from an animated gif, the new button for adding the image without having to set the image really speeds things up. Your suggestion about adding an image action would speed things up further. Can't promise that I will do it, but I will consider it.

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