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Up and (kind of) running!!


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Hi Folks

After a newbie-worthy amount of time this afternoon I can now lay claim to a fully installed sting of 50 Cosmic color bulbs - hooked up to a G3-MP3 Director... and guess what... it works! :)

I've got more too hook up over the coming few weeks but I figured I'd start easy and make sure I could actually get something to turn on!

It's LOR Day 1 for me and it's left me with three shockingly embarrassing questions. Here goes! 

  • As the Director is working on a schedule is it OK to leave the cosmic color controller(s) powered all the time? Or should I power them down outside of showtime?
  • At this point I just have the one string Iit, coming on at 6pm and going off at 10pm. I understand the system is way, way, more powerful than that (I can tell I am going to have fun with it!), but is it OK to leave CCBs running that way?
  • The way I have those strings lit is the most basic 10 second sequence on continuous loop. Is this the way to "just have the lights on" or is there a smarter way to simply light things up while I work on getting everything else installed?

Appreciative of the expert experience that's shared here.

Thanks in advance!

Cheers MattJ

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You can leave them on, most of us leave our entire display powered up once we have the show schedule set. You're not using much power on standby.

You're not going to hurt your CCB's by running them.

Why are you running them? for light while you work outside or is it a novelty of having your lights now?

Welcome to the addiction!


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Hi oilmoney

Thanks for the answers! On & running (at least for now) it shall be!

Why am I running them?? :)

Well, work's going to prevent me adding to my solo string for another few days, so the conversation with my wife went something like this:

"If you're going to spent that much on a string of lights and spend that long, on a Sunday afternoon, putting them up... The least you can do is turn them on until you get finished!!"

Why am I running them..... 10% novelty value, 90% shame! :unsure:

Thanks again

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