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Controller not playing all channels


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I have a couple sequences and not all my channels are being played, but the channels not playing and different based on the sequence (so not a power or similar issue).


I got free sequences and did the select row/copy/paste into a new sequence. I think I also did copy/paste a channel within the same sequence possibly. 

Could something I did here cause no action on a channel?  Also verified in the sequence that actions are set on channel that isn't doing anything. 


First year with lor. 


Thanks for your help!!!!

Edited by FrankRizzo
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Nobody is going to answer your question because we have no idea what you are using. What controller, S4 software version and license level for starters. The more info you provide the better we can help.

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11 minutes ago, Mr. P said:

Nobody is going to answer your question because we have no idea what you are using. What controller, S4 software version and license level for starters. The more info you provide the better we can help.

16 channel controller, s4 software and basic license.  

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4 minutes ago, FrankRizzo said:

16 channel controller, s4 software and basic license.  

Check you channel config and ensure that everything is correct. CTB16 controllers are very basic, Unit ID 1 channel 1-16. If some channels are lighting and some are not then the channel config is wrong or the channels are off.

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In sequence editor, I can see on/off/fade actions etc. Is it possible that sequence editor has a config assigned to channels where if I select row/copy/paste within sequence it has duplicate ID's or something, so controller doesn't see a channel maybe?  Just thinking...


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3 minutes ago, FrankRizzo said:

In sequence editor, I can see on/off/fade actions etc. Is it possible that sequence editor has a config assigned to channels where if I select row/copy/paste within sequence it has duplicate ID's or something, so controller doesn't see a channel maybe?  Just thinking...


The only channels assigned in SE are the channels you installed when you added your CTB16, you just need to go into the channel config and verify that you added them correctly.

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We just ran into a similar issue where one channel wasn't working. I thought it was a wiring problem, so I went into the hardware utility and turned on all the channels on the controller that had the issue and everything light up! Then I remembered there is a sequence verifier function in the software. I ran this on several sequences and found an issue with the nonworking channel. Turns out that somewhere along the way during channel setting of color/naming the network type was changed from regular to something else... We reset that channel to regular network, update the channel configuration and reloaded the fixed configuration into all of our sequences and everything works as it should now. :)

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Hi everyone,

So somehow seemed to have fixed it. Not sure exactly what I did, but now all channels seem to be working. 

Question and maybe how it was fixed. If I had sequences to a show and then update one of those sequences later, will that change auto update in the show?  Not sure if show editor just uses a pointer to the sequences or somehow just saves a copy at time of show creation.  

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