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Wrap Around on a flat Mega Tree


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I am trying to do a wrap around on a mega tree that I imported in from the Visualizer.  The effect that I am shooting for is the spiral effect.  Can anyone help me with this please?  I have looked for tutorials on this but can not find any. 


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looking that all your other posts were on ccrs, I'm gonna say I can't help you - sorry. I'm an old school kinda lighter. 

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There is a sample file that shows doing some spirals in wrap around mode.

launch superstar

click on the File menu and select Open

navigate to the Samples folder

Open the file "Vis_24x25Tree_4RowGlobe_Spirals.sup"

play the file and look at the effects in the file

You will see that a spiral is produced by moving a slanted line around the tree. And you do that with a slanted morph.

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I went with the same set up.  Had no idea how the hell I was going to erect this tree.  Even as I was doing it,  I really did not believe it was going to come together right up until I ran the first sequence.  It turned out to be 18 1/2 feet tall,  and I have no way to get to the top.  I am left hoping for the best, and praying nothing goes wrong at the top end.  I was thinking that I would  replace the strips with nodes next year so it wouldn't be so tall.  However,  now that it is standing up,  I see the huge impact it has on the whole display.  My biggest worry, now, is that the strips will go bad before next season.  Every year I end up having to replace at least half the strips on my house due to the red pixels failing randomly through each string.  For this reason, I am still considering doing away with ALL my strips, and replacing them with nodes.  Much easier to repair, and much easier to install/display.

   .....and I just realized that this doesn't answer your question in any way.

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29 minutes ago, Dcroc said:

I went with the same set up.  Had no idea how the hell I was going to erect this tree.  Even as I was doing it,  I really did not believe it was going to come together right up until I ran the first sequence.  It turned out to be 18 1/2 feet tall,  and I have no way to get to the top.  I am left hoping for the best, and praying nothing goes wrong at the top end.  I was thinking that I would  replace the strips with nodes next year so it wouldn't be so tall.  However,  now that it is standing up,  I see the huge impact it has on the whole display.  My biggest worry, now, is that the strips will go bad before next season.  Every year I end up having to replace at least half the strips on my house due to the red pixels failing randomly through each string.  For this reason, I am still considering doing away with ALL my strips, and replacing them with nodes.  Much easier to repair, and much easier to install/display.

   .....and I just realized that this doesn't answer your question in any way.

This is my third year with the strips on my tree and haven't had one fail me yet. It may be how you are attaching them. I outline my house in strips too. I have them attached to 1/2" emt conduit. At season end I remove them and store them on hooks on my garage rafters. Again no issues with failures. I prefer the look of strips myself. I have a few pixel matrix ( 24x50 and 4 with 8x21) but next year I'm thinking of doing a 24 strip horizontal matrix. I actually bought the strips for it but didn't have time to build the support for it. Repairing the strips is easy at least in my opinion. I have 4 circles made with strips and because how I have handled them the soldered joints have come undone a few times (plus where I have them stored doesn't help either). 

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