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Horizontal or Vertical


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At least I know I am positing in the right place with this question! 

Having browsed for a bit both in the documentation and forums I can't find the answer to this one.... so it's either blindingly obvious.... or I'm just plain dumb! :)

Cosmic color bulbs... being mounted to the eaves of a house;

Do I mount them vertically, so you end up looking at them from the side, or horizontally, so you end up looking at them from the end?

Does it even matter?



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Whatever look you like best.  I don't have CCBs, but I do have 402 GE Color Effects bulbs which are similar.  I have them all mounted so you are looking at the side of the bulb (similar to how a traditional C9 bulb would hang on the wire.


The GECE bulbs come with the L shaped bracket that I used to mount two bulbs - one up, one down.


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Gravity is your ally.    I like to hang eve lights hanging down so guests see a profile view.  Every bulb has a mount but if its not held well it will not droop far from the position I am trying for. 

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Perfect - Thanks all. First year doing this.... looking forward to some experimentation, but really appreciate the voice(s) of experience. Cheers!

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