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Question about running my show


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This is my first go at doing a show.  I am only doing 4 singing faces, 32 channels.  So far I've gotten the faces to sing as expected but am having trouble with the Show Editor.  I can set up a show in the schedule and get it to run but only once.  I would like to have the show loop continuously for the scheduled time.  One other issue I've noticed is when I try to add sequences to the Show Editor I can only add them to the "Start Up" tab.

Thanks in advance,


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That would be why it only runs once.  What level of LOR license do you have?  Without me looking, I recall that the lower levels of license don’t have full functionality in the Show Editor.  You CAN use the Simple Show Builder.


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9 hours ago, k6ccc said:

That would be why it only runs once.  What level of LOR license do you have?  Without me looking, I recall that the lower levels of license don’t have full functionality in the Show Editor.  You CAN use the Simple Show Builder.


So Jim, When using the basic/standard licence years ago we had the option to schedule the show to continue/loop during the time span scheduled. Did that simple option go away for basic/standard?

Also, we had the option to add or remove shows to the show editor and then update the schedule editor. I would think this would be part of the basic/standard package as well.

LT, did you try adding songs to the show editor and then save, then update the schedule editor?

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I’ve never had anything less than an Advanced level license (when that was the highest) so I have no past experience with the capabilities of the lower level licenses.  I’m on my phone (as I was last night on my previous post) so it’s less convenient to look up the license page, but my recollection is that some of the Show Editor functionality is limited to the higher level licenses.  Below that, is the Simple Show Builder (which I’ve never even loaded).


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1 hour ago, Santas Helper said:

So Jim, When using the basic/standard licence years ago we had the option to schedule the show to continue/loop during the time span scheduled. Did that simple option go away for basic/standard?

Also, we had the option to add or remove shows to the show editor and then update the schedule editor. I would think this would be part of the basic/standard package as well.

LT, did you try adding songs to the show editor and then save, then update the schedule editor?

Yes, I can update the show editor. I just found it odd that I could only see/select my sequences in the startup tab.

Currently, the only way I can figure out how to run continuously is to build a really long show to fill the time block I want to loop in or figure out the run time and make multiple shows to fill the time block.

Surely there is a loop feature for this?

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OK, I'm now on a computer instead of my phone, so I have looked at both the LOR software license comparison page and the help file.  My recollection was sort of correct.  There are some functions of the Show Editor that are limited to higher levels, but it would appear that everything except advanced startup features will work with your Standard level license.

The way a show should work is that sequences in the Startup tab will play once at the beginning of the show.  Then sequences in the Animation and Musical sections will play (I'm ignoring background and Interactive groups for this discussion).  When the list of sequences in the Musical section completes, then the list starts again (unless you have the shuffle option set).  This will continue until the end of the show.  At the scheduled end of the show, the currently playing Musical sequence will finish, and then whatever sequences in the Shutdown section will play.

When you say that you can't enter songs in anything but the Startup tab, what happens on the other tabs?

Last question.  Particularly if you use multiple computers, do you have your LOR installation license setup on the computer you are using?  On the Show Editor at the very top left, you should see "LOR Show Editor v<your version number> <your license level>".


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Jim, that's what I was thinking. The OP should be able to create the show in the "Show Editor" and should loop through-out the time frame scheduled.

LT, if you have musical sequences (lms), you should build the show in the Musical tab.

To add a sequence to a section, click on that section's tab (Musical), and then on the large "+" button.  This will prompt you for the name of the sequence that you want to add.  Similarly, to remove one, select the sequence from the section's list by clicking on its name, and then click the large "-" button.

A sequence can be moved up or down in a section's list by clicking on its name and then on the large up arrow or down arrow buttons.  This generally affects the order that the sequences will be played in, but not always: For example, in the musical section, you can select that the sequences will be played in the order listed, or in a random shuffle; if you choose the latter, it doesn't matter what order they are listed in.  Similarly, in the animation section, you can select that the sequences be played simultaneously (as opposed to sequentially); if you do, their listed order does not matter.

Only one sequence from the musical section will play at a time.  They can be played in the order listed in the Show Editor, or shuffled randomly.  If shuffled randomly, you can also control two different aspects of how shuffling is done: Whether or not a sequence is allowed to be played a second time before all sequences have played once, and whether or not a sequence is allowed to play twice in a row (this latter does not apply if you have only one sequence in the musical section - it will definitely be played back-to-back).

Play will continue until the show is shut down (at a time determined by the schedule).  If the sequences are to be played in the order listed, and the end of the list is reached before the show is to shut down, play will loop back to the first sequence in the list.

If the play mode is "Play in Order", the sequences will be played in a continuous loop in the order that they appear in the list, starting again from the beginning if the list is exhausted.

Edited by Santas Helper
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OK, maybe I've done something different, but this time when I go to the Musical tab I can now see my files to be selected where as before I could not.  I made a new show with all the sequences running in the musical tab.  It works in a loop and I think my wife is DONE with Christmas already, LOL.  I'm "rigged up" in a room next to her office, so she's suffering from my ignorance.

Another plus, I got the FM transmitter to broadcast to the street just now.  I think I'm about ready to move this party to the yard.


Thanks for all the help guys.  Much appreciated.




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