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Flood Lights and LOR

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A couple of questions about spot/flood lights in LOR. Can they turn on and off multiple times in the song quickly (eg. when there is a peak in the song for a couple of seconds). Also can you do twinkles, shimmers, and fades.



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You can do the same effects with flood lamps as you can with the smaller lights.

The large filament bulbs should have a pre-heat on the filaments... It is not absolutely necessary but it helps out the life of the bulb and it helps with slow fade ups.

The reaction time of the larger filaments is much slower than a mini light or a C9 bulb but if you keep the bulb at 5% ( or so ) intensity it will react almost as fast as a mini lights or a C9s.

Also with slow fade ups there can be a "jump" at the beginning when the filament first "explodes" into lights. This is a function of larger filaments and one of the reasons that professional theatrical lights are kept at a low burn setting.

There are a couple of ways to set low burn: The LOR units ( with the exception of the CTB08 ) can be set with a low burn setting. This will affect all channels on the controller. You an also just set all OFF settings in the sequence to 5% for the channels with large filament lights.

By the way, many people have used spots without any of this addtional stuff.. Thiis is just a good way to do it if you want to do so.

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How do you set the off settings in a sequence??


EDIT: I think I figured it out, you mean where a channel is off, use the set intensety feature and put it at 5%? By the way, thanks for the quick responce.

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Tom K wrote:

EDIT: I think I figured it out, you mean where a channel is off, use the set intensety feature and put it at 5%? By the way, thanks for the quick responce.

Yeah ... that's how you do it.
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You know I have thought about taking four of them and putting them together facing upward. Then setting them up to flash off and on at about three flashes a second. To give it a different look like the commercial floods that rotate in the sky. Maybe using some color ones and clear ones during a Christmas rock song or two.

Would this work?

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I already have 4 colored ones figured into my show. I plan on putting them on the ground behind some low bushes pointed towards the road to give sort of a background flash of color. This will be all the low bass and low drums in my songs.

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cghargis wrote:

Not yet, only in my head (which is another large empty space). I will see how they look and go from there. If it doesn't do the job, I will change it.

You might redirect them toward the house, to give a better background effect. Either way you do it, I think that it will look great.
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I see Dan recommends keeping spots at 5% (pre heat) to extend the life of the bulbs. Would keeping minis, C6, C9, or LEDs at 5% on (before pops) help extend the life on these smaller bulbs as well?



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Now that sounds like a good test. Have an lor control two light strands. One with a constant on off on off ..........the other with a on off on off ........ but always dropping only to 5%. This would be a great test to see if other bulbs would last longer. May have to try this next month after I get my contollers.

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C9's DO have a better flash with a 5% lead-up. I have been testing this since last christmas! I am also testing a 90 watt flood and it flashes good but it takes 2-4 sec to turn off compleatly. I am looking to have 6 or 9 floods changing changing the house color durring the show.

--Daniel L

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