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need help with SS instant export to SE


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last year i had 2 ctb16pc controllers and 2 holiday coro e1.31 alphapix 4 controllers and was using 8ccr license. everything worked great, this year i upgraded to the 16 ccr license and upgraded software to 3.24. when i write instant sequences and send them to SE my lor controllers work but my e1.31 controllers dont. in test mode all my lights work on 1.31 controllers and i set the universes and pixel numbers correctly, i think. i moved the universes around between the controllers compared to last year. i also am able to get into alpha pix controllers menu ( and so i know i have communication. i am sure i am doing something wrong and it is probably something so simple like maybe my visualizer is wrong. any help would be greatly appreciated. PS. i tried to load up my SE file but to big for upload

2018 ready for show all 8 universes correct.lee

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As you indicate, the first thing to check is that your visualization matches your actual lights.

Also, after exporting the sequence from SuperStar, open the exported sequence in the Sequence Editor and expand the controllers that are not working and click on one of the pixels. A dialog box will pop up showing the addressing for the pixel, if the addressing is not what you expect, check the addressing for that controller in the visualization.

Also, have you tried opening the exported sequence in the Sequence Editor and playing it to your lights?

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i forgot to mention that the sequences i wrote last year does not do anything as well. i know i changed universes and amount of pixels, but i would think something should still light up, at least a couple of bulbs. also no lights when using SE and having control lights checked off. also i dont have universe 1-3 installed yet but i dont think that would matter, would it? my visualization seems good. i know your not familiar with holidaycoro e1.13 controllers but if anyone knows a way to confirm communication between computer and alphapix4 it would be greatly appreciated.also when i expand a pixel it says rbg channel and pixel number i think that is right idk. it does not say anything about a universe number is that an issue?

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When you expand a line in the sequence editor, and then click on a pixel, the dialog box that appears will show the addressing being used for each color of the pixel, and if it is DMX that means it will show the Universe and the channel being used for each color of the pixel.

But as you indicate the fact that none of the lights do anything indicates a communication problem.

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ok so today i was able to use x lites to turn on my lites thru the controller. so now i am really at a loss , if the controllers work thru x lites does that mean my controllers are properly configured? also does that mean it is not a communication issue? maybe my visualizer is wrong? from earlier in thread maybe the megatree is written wrong?

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I am not an expert on E1.31 but I do know there are settings in the network preferences in the Sequence Editor where you can set ip addresses. Have you done that?

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yes they seem to automatically find those addresses and i looked thru the sequnces they seem to be correct. not sure what to do,  is there something that needs to be checked on or something, maybe some thing has changed between version 3.14 and 3.24 that maybe reset to default that i am missing? even when i play SE with controlling lights the 2 lor units activate lights but not the 2 e1.31 units. also i just want you to know i appreciate your help thanks

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I would not expect an update of the software to change any settings. You could post this in the Sequence Editor section of the forums and would probably get an answer.

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The control panel must be started for visualizer to work. 

If network settings are correct then start control panel.  Then start the sequence making sure control lights is on. 

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so i figured it out, i went in to the alphapix4 web based controller (i.e and .52) i rewrote the universes switching them back and forth between controllers and boom everything starting working. thanks everyone for trying to help i appreciate it.

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