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Female Voice Overs


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I am not trying to advertise, just help others out. If you are looking for Female voice overs, My wife is a Local DJ and traffic reporter at a Major Radio station and has full access to the studios. She has been doing our voice overs, and I think they sound good, but then again she is my wife.:shock:

Either way, the price is VERY reasonable, and negotiable upon satisfaction.:( Response is very quick.

Just PM me if interested.

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What would it look like when you really advertise? :(

stachows wrote:

I am not trying to advertise, just help others out. If you are looking for Female voice overs, My wife is a Local DJ and traffic reporter at a Major Radio station and has full access to the studios. She has been doing our voice overs, and I think they sound good, but then again she is my wife.:shock:

Either way, the price is VERY reasonable, and negotiable upon satisfaction.:D Response is very quick.

Just PM me if interested.
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I would put a big sign up, and list prices, and sell her as the best Voiceover person of all.:(

But, Like I stated, she is not doing this for the money as the fee(donation actually) is VERY minimal.

Just trying to help others out... (LIKE ME) who do not a radio voice at all.

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Here is one of our old Intros.

Just save the attachemnt, and rename it to "Intro.mp3" instead of "Intro.lsc".

Attached files Intro.lsc

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stachows wrote:

Here is one of our old Intros.

Just save the attachemnt, and rename it to "Intro.mp3" instead of "Intro.lsc".

That sounds really good! The background music was really cool too!
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  • 2 months later...

I'm very impressed. Nice voice and delivery and relaxing music.

I'm looking for someone to do some very rock-themed voiceovers
for my 2008 show. I'm kind of wanting it to sound like a rock station
from the mid 80's ... and mainly just want a short (<30 sec) announcement
to play every 2-3 songs to explain the do's and don't really quick.

I sent you a PM for more information.


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  • 2 weeks later...


I replied to your PM the night you sent it, and let you know that you need to email my Wife as she is not a member here at LOR. She never did recieve an email from you.

If you are still interested email her at lstachowski@wi.rr.com.

You're rock theme is right up her ally as she came form a rock background, and that is still here prime job, though she does may genre's now as fill in's...

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Yes, you are right ... and I apologize ... I forgot that you had already done that. My bad. :shock: Please ignore my last post folks.

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