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Transiting into RGBs and I'm dead in the water


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To keep this short, this is my second year doing my LOR Xmas setup. I decided back in spring to up the game and mix CCR's into my 16 channel (CTB16PCg3). I have spent the last four months attempting how to SEQ using the SE for my dumb 16 channels and PE for my eight CCR ribbons and then bring them together (and have it work). As you might be able to deduce I have not been successful. I have read, watched and tried every combination I could find and think of. LOR has not posted may information of a joint course (located somewhere in the mid to east coast) prior to Xmas.

So with time running out I am looking for someone to help walk me through the areas that I am getting stuck on. An example as well as some light couching would be great. I got into this hobby to help manage my OCD and PTSD BUT at this rate it Ive only worsted them! If someone has documentation showing (start to finish) how to utilize SE and PE separately and still end up with a functional SEQ then please... It crossed my mind to just purchase the unlocked SEQ's but I can contest that if you show a man how to fish you would have saved his life. Although I might not starve to death, I could end up in the river if my wife finds outs that this is not going so smoothly (as i reassured her it would)!!!

I am up to holding a call, Skype, email crap just about anything that can help teach/show me what I am doing wrong. I love LOR but they lack in the CS when it comes to "operator errors" from  "lack of knowledge" (understandably)!

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Sounds to me like you do not have a pixel controller.

If you are attempting to use tha Ctb16 to run your CCR's/ RGBs that's your first problem.

i think I read into your paragraph to deep. But still what controller you using for pixels?

Please clarify.


Dont worry if you have or can get the correct controller there are at least a couple of us that will share sequences with you so at least the wife doesn't get upset.


Edited by dibblejr
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If you follow the tutorial verbatim in the Help menu it's pretty good.

i was able to design and sequence my first spiderweb in PE. I have not touched it since.

i found it easier to purchase a spiderweb already made for pixels.


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Thank you everyone for the help. Where I am currently, I have purchased editable SEQ and am running ver 4.3.24. I have one 16 channel controller, two Pixie 4, and show time director. After pouring over the videos, instructions and YouTube I am confident that everything is hardwired correctly. My issues start at the following:

  • I use SE for my 16 channels. I do all of my SEQ in SE to include the preview layout
  • I use PE for my two Pixie 4's (which are for my eight windows) with eight CCR (one for each windows)
  • Understanding that you can only have a pixie in one program. I have NOT built the pixies into the 16 channels outlined in SE. All pixies are build and SEQ in PE.

Via the instructions, after saving the PE's ( Intensity Data file and IMS), I can see the PE Props bar with my windows at the bottom of the SE but when I conduct a test the portion for my pixies do not fire off. I have included some screen shots to show what I am trying to describe. As with everything in my life I am sure I just missing a few simple "check the boxes" however, I am at a loss and time is not on my side.

What am I missing? I am not using a network for the show, I will be utilizing my showtime director. I am willing to send someone files, SEQ or create a remote session ( I am willing to pay $$ someone for there time to just show me the ropes) so that I get walked through the issues. All I need is one successful SEQ w/RGBs and I will be off and running. I am still trying to modify 14 additional SEQ's once I am no longer dog paddling!

Screenshot 1. JPG.JPG

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Do you actually have the props your sequencing in Pe setup so you can see them light up when your sequencing  in Pe  if they don't light in PE you might  not have the channels setup right or in  Network Preferances do you have Enhansed  selected .

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Control panel must be started to show up in visualizer for dmx devices.....not sure if this is case with intensity files.  But it's an easy try.

Review network settings as stated above.

Verify element settings in visualizer looking at each elements settings.

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Thanks Dennis and Sax.

Dennis Yes I have props built in PE, and when I play the SEQ it works fine (for only the eight RGB windows). I didn't build non-RGB props in PE instead, I kept those in SE. I have included a SC of my network Config because I am not sure what I am looking at nor would I know what and where everything belongs.

Sax, I looked into the Visualizer but that appears to only be for DMX (LEE files) for which I don't have any created. Could this be an issue? Yes possibly however, I am willing to try anything!


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