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How to convert 48 channel sequence to 32

Mitch G

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I have two 16 channel controllers and have received some 48 channel sequences. How do I break this down without losing some of the channels I might want to use? do I need to add more channels to my existing configuration and just not use the last 16?



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1 Create a new sequence with your 32 channels and the audio file for the 48 channel sequence.

2 Also open the 48 channel sequence.

3 Copy and paste the sequencing  by channel from the 48 channel sequence into yours where they would fit best. Just pick and choose which 32 out of the 48 work best for your setup.

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I tried doing that and it wouldn't paste. I would select first timing right click and do select row then copy. After that I would switch to my new sequence and do a paste. Nothing would come over. 

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You should be able to do a copy and paste.  If you REALLY can't, an alternative would be to edit the channel definitions of the original 48 channel sequence to match the 32 channels that you are actually going to use so that they match your channels.  For the channels that you DON'T use, either change the Device Type to "(no device type selected)" or set them to unused channels (i.e., set them to controller ID 99 - or some other ID you are not using).

However you REALLY should be able to do the copy and paste.


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