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SanDevices E6804 Issue - Flashing Board LEDs


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Was switching out power supplies on a working E6804 board and messed something up.  Instead of having 2 solid leds on the board (red and gree/yellow or whatever color it is, both leds are flashing.  Went back to originial PS and is still happening. 


Checked manual in hopes that maybe there was a "re-set" I could do to manybe clear out an issue.  Any tricks to try or think I have permanent damage? Not a lot of compoents on board, maybe damage CPU?

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I had a e6804  go bad a few weeks ago,   I sent Jim   At Sandevices  an email and he said send in for repairs  he repaired it and sent in back in about a week  free of charge can't beat that kind of service send him an email and tell him what's wrong he'll take care of it 

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any chance you had the IP address changed and its gone back to default?

Have you tried forcing a new IP address to it with the program button?

Edited by sticks4legs
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