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New error with 4.3.22


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Looks like I better go back to 4.3.18 until I figure this one out.

I opened up the sequence I had been working on for a while on my home computer. Worked on it for about 2 hours last night before I tried to save it, (first mistake). When I tried to save it would only let me save as encrypted or something like that, saved with a .supe extension. 

This morning I went to open that sequence on my work computer, I save everything to a onedrive folder and can open anything at work just like from home. So I got a message saying it was saved as an encrypted file and can only be opened on the computer that had saved it.

Here is where the problem started, I didnt realize it had opened a file with the same sequence name. I was going to do some testing and did a few effects on what appeared to be a blank sequence but when I saved it it overwrote the sequence I had tried to open. Bummer.. Then of coarse I made the final mistake, deleted the small sequence I had just created before looking at the recycle bin on onedrive which now just had the newest deleted file. Luckily just lost the couple hours work from last night. Live and learn I guess.

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How many channels does the sequence have that you are trying to save? In 4.3.22 if you are saving a sequence that is larger than the license level you have then it saves it as an encrypted file. But it does not mean you have lost the work, but it does mean that you can only open the file from the computer you saved it on. The Sequence Editor in the 4.x releases behaves the same way, that is, if you save a sequence that uses more channels than what your license supports then it saves it as an encrypted file.

If you email the .supe file to me I will save it as .sup file and send it back to you and you can then edit it from your work computer using 4.3.18.

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I went back to 4.3.18 to finish up what sequences I have started already. Once those are finished I will go to 4.3.22.

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I have  to 4.3.22 pro 40 ccr when i tried to save a converted gif animation to sub file it told me my lic was not good to do this 4.3.18 does it saved it encrit file instead

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In 4.3.22 you can always save a sequence. If your license supports the number of channels that you are sequencing then you can save it as a standard .sup file. If your license does not support the number of channels you are sequencing then you must save it as an encrypted file. Encrypted files end with .supe.

You can open the encrypted .supe file and edit it and save it the same as a .sup file.

How many channels are you sequencing?

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James morris, dougd,  please send me an email to brian@superstarlights.com. I want to figure out why it is making you save to an encrypted file.

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Mine was due to saving more channels than my license was good for. My visualizer file had 4 16x50 trees in it. I dropped it down to 2 trees and it would save just fine.

Edited by dougd
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