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Before i buy SS, Simple 100 pixel arch quextion


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so i am messing witht he demo of SS ad i cannot export to SE obviously because i havent paid yet so i cant test this all out

my question is I have 2 arches running off 1 Pixie4 channel, I have the 100 pixel ribbon cut in half so 50 pixels in arch 1 and then connected to the 50 pixels in the second arch.

How can I creat a preview in SS that knows that 2 arches are 1 channel and not channels 1 and 2? Its forcing me to have my start and end channels at 1-8 but really its 1-4

thsnks guys!

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Are you using Visualizer to create a visualization and setting the layout in SuperStar with Visualization mode?  For most anything except a CCR tree, that's what you really should be doing.

BTW, Please get out of the habit of calling the four outputs from the Pixie as channels 1 to 4.  Those are outputs that in your case have 300 channels.


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I can't create them in the Visualizer program because you're limited to 50 pixels per output and i need 100 pixels per output as per other threads i have going.

Because of this i wanted to do leaping patterns as you know and am using the layout feature in SS to add 8 arches but its forcing 8 outputs when really i am using 4

and thank you, i will get out of the habit. new to some of the terminology :)


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As you mention, the visualizer does not support 100 pixel strings that use unit IDs. Later this year this will be addressed, but for now, the only way you have to do it is to define the strings as DMX pixel strings. This means that when you export them they will have DMX addressing. To fix this you should be able to use copy/paste to paste the sequence into lines that use LOR unit IDs. But I have not tested this personally, I can't guarantee the copy/paste will work.

So you may want to hold off until 100 pixel strings using LOR unit IDs is properly supported by superstar.

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its crazy that i can create the 100 pixels in PE preview but not visualizer or SS

so with my lights physically hooked up there is still no way to use SS with 100 LOR pixels? 

in other words, doing chases and such with 100 pixels per output is pretty much impossible right now?

Edited by brichi
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Yes, you can do as Brian suggested.  That will work fine.  The only real limitation is that you MUST export in legacy mode rather than as intensity files.

And absolutely yes, this is an issue that LOR needs to address ASAP.


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I'll try what Brian suggested but no clue how so It will be trial and error for me I guess. Lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The best way to learn!

I asked for assistance due to surgery, I got force fed by some great people here, Orville, Old Sarge, Sax, Mega Arch, Bob and a few more. But I really only wanted to learn. Being force fed stuff wasn't conducive to learning to sequence singing faces so I broke down and did it mostly on my own. (after I had already spent several hundred dollars on sequences)

And none of them would accept any type of payment so the only way was to thank them and pay it forward.

I have previously thanked everyone that assisted me and I will always feel indebted to them for their generosity.

That's what I will be doing with this RGB project I am partaking, so you and I will be learning this at the same time. You have a jump because I don't have anything in front of me yet. Pixels do in today.


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yessir JR, Sny hrlp i can ever be i am happy to assist.


i made 100 pixel string in visualizer and imported to SS and programmed a quick back and forth jump pattern. Now i need t purchase SS though to see if after exporting to SE i can copy what i made and paste it into LOR rgb channels vs DMX as k6ccc said should also work

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41 minutes ago, brichi said:

Now i need t purchase SS though to see if after exporting to SE i can copy what i made and paste it into LOR rgb channels vs DMX as k6ccc said should also work

It should work fine.  I did exactly the opposite my first couple years of using SuperStar where I exported my pixel tree as a CCR based tree and then did a copy and paste in SE to my DMX pixel based tree.  S4 eliminated the need to do that, so I don't anymore.


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yeah it just worked out great, i bought SS for $100 and make arches in VI 100 string pixels, imported to SS and played around, exported to SE, opened, copied my pattern and pasted into the sequence i am working on where i want it to be

thanks guys!

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For what it is worth, the plan for supporting things like this better in superstar is for superstar to be able to to import visualizations from PE. I already have it so it will import a few things, but it will take a while before superstar will be able to import all things from PE.

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