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Long sequences

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Is there any issues to wary of with Long sequences, a newbie question.

I have a 20 minute medley I am working on, I have about 7 minutes completed yes it has taken some time ;_) , but I was just wandering with all the time it takes, will it create an issue with LOR or would it better to split it up and then run them back to back.

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I dont believe there is a problem with this. But there may be an issue that would discourage you. Not matter what, LOR will always finish the last sequence started. So if that 20min sequence finished 30seconds to your shut off time at 10pm, then it would restart and your show would be on for 20minutes extra. In other words, it would be very difficult to control the time at which your show shuts off with long sequences.


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Bill, another Bill here. I was "instructed by a master, Walter Monkhouse "to "keep it short-keep their attention (interest)." I have practiced this philosophy and even kept some statistics on which song drove people away this last year. One minute to two minutes seem to be the magic number. Shorter if it is raining on them--I live in the Pacific NW. This definite negates sequencing The Bolero to lights. Longer timings could be justified if you have a large display where other areas of interest can be injected. No you must remember Bill, these are the ramblings of a senior citizen with adult ADD.:laughing:

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Zac, Note taken, in my extra freindly neighborhood I live in, that would be an issue if the lights went off in the middle of the song, I would have neighbors at my door or calling me. letting me know something was wrong with the lights. They would always make sure all the lights were lit for me in the past. They are a very supportive bunch here. When I did the front yard as a grave yard at halloween they would let me know one of the tombstone fell over.

thay get a kick out of the yard decorations I do.

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