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Pixel led connection (RGB)


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Hello, I do not know if it will be an unusual question in these forums with people so prepared.
The case is that I have bought 11 pixel strings sandevice, I am building a matrix of 34 x 30 pixels, for that I use 15 outputs of Pix 16 with a pixel number per output of 68 (this kindly recommended by a forum member).
I have cut the strings of 100 pixels in 68, so far so good, the problem comes when I have connected the leftovers of each chain to complete four strings of 68 for the outputs -12-13-14-15, + - data), but do not light up.
  So I guess something I have not taken into account, just can not connect? Thanks for your kindness.

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I believe pixels are directional meaning the data only flows one way.  Make sure the left over strings are connected the right way is all I can think of.

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Most pixels will have an arrow that shows the data flow, and/or the text labels on the pixel will be DO (Data Out), and DI (Data In).  In and Out refers to the data going in and out of the pixel.  Therefore, the controller will have data going to DI of the first pixel.  The DO from pixel one connects to DI of pixel two, etc.


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