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pixel tree intensity


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My apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, I could not find it.  I am using the latest S4 PRO with multiple LOR controllers and a Sandevices board for the pixel tree on E-131 with ws2801(?) ribbons.  Everything runs just fine and has for a couple seasons now, but the pixel tree has always been just a bit overwhelming.  It is so bright that it really takes away from the rest of the show.  I thought I read that in S4 PRo you can change or limit the maximum intensity but I can't seem to locate how.  Is there some way that you highlight the track and change the overall intensity?  I would really like to dim the tree down a bit to make the whole show experience better.




Edited by alchrisr01
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Highlight the tree sequence then go to the top menu "Tools" then "Set Intensity"

Or, highlight the tree then right click and "Set intensity"

Edited by Mr. P
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Thanks, that sounds simple! Will this equally dim everything or just set max intensity? What I am after is dimming the entire range say 30 percent.

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It will set the intensity to whatever you have set in the "Intensity Tool Setting" and everything that you have highlighted.

I believe the default setting is 50%.

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Does your pixel card not do this?

The AlphaPix16 does and it's much easier than messing with the intensity inside of SE itself. I dropped all 16 strands down to 10%. I doubt you will see much difference at 30%.

Could be something worth looking into :)


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If the card can't do it, I think what you are looking for is "change intensity". 

Select ALL the rows containing your tree. (right click and select rows) then right click again on the whole selection and select Change Intensity/ detailed

In the dialog that opens select RGB, and scale, add the required percentage and apply.

May need a bit of trial and error to find the right amount, you can undo and try again. .

BACKUP your sequence first in case you mess up.



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Appreciate the input. I played with SE and VIS this morning and could not really see much difference using it. I will try a live experiment today before the show starts. I am thinking somewhere in the 10 percent range as well. It looks like somebody is welding out there at times! I never really cared too much but I added a tree sequence to Blue Christmas and got some "constuctive criticism", if you know what I mean.

I may backup to an extreme. I have all my show files on 3 computers and have a backup network HD in my safe. I use Goodsync to sync them all up at least once a week if not more. I can also use it to transfer changes from the pc in my office where it is more comfortable working to the show laptop easily and quickly.


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Yes, you have to try the dimmed version on real lights to see what you really like. I did that last night with my overnight sequence. I don't want it bright. I started with some of the lights that are on static overnight as full bright and dimmed them to 11%. Played that and decided that was a little too dim, and doubled it to 22%. That's a little brighter than I wanted, but wanted to go to bed. I will change it to about 18% today, and see what it looks like Monday morning when I leave for work.

When you use the change intensity command, make sure to use the scale option.

And BTW, the SanDevices controllers do not have a scale capability in the card. That would be handy.

Sent from my Droid Turbo via Tapatalk, so blame any typos or spelling errors on Android

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9 minutes ago, k6ccc said:

And BTW, the SanDevices controllers do not have a scale capability in the card. That would be handy.


I think it would also be nice to be able to see less than 40% bright items in the visualizer.

Edited by PhilMassey
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7 hours ago, k6ccc said:

And BTW, the SanDevices controllers do not have a scale capability in the card. That would be handy.

Actually I have to clarify that statement.  The current "production" firmware for the SanDevices controllers does not have an intensity control.  However, the current Beta firmware DOES have an intensity setting for each output.  I do have beta version 5.018 in one of my E682s and it has been working fine both in my tests and for the last three nights of my Christmas show.  I have not had a reason to use the output intensity control however.


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I set a couple sequences down to 20 percent and it is much better. The pixel tree does not dominate quite so much and I think looks way better. I will adjust more this week. I appreciate the education from you guys.



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Update to this:  I adjusted all the pixel tree sequences down to 18% and the show is actually much easier on the eyes.  Those pixels are just overwhelmingly bright at 100% and it really takes your vision away from the other lights.  With the dimmed versions, the pixels blend better with the other lights and are about the same intensity.  I highly recommend this to anyone using a pixel tree if you have not already done it.

I appreciate your input again.  This is my 10th year, but the last 2 I have pretty much been going through the motions putting things up, so I am a little behind on the current tech.



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