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How to run show from computer to 1602mp3g3


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just ordered me another one too hope it ships today. Any problems with setup of network? This is my first time so much to learn. 

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No problems. Once I received the new standard controller just ran the lap top cable from USB/RS-485 to first (number 1) controller then daisy chained to the other 3. I used the simple show builder out the sequences in then adjust the playlist on how I wanted it. Started control panel enabled show and everything came on and shut off as designated.  

Im not one of these high tech guys that are so helpful on here I'm just a normal person trying to put on a good show for the community.  I will tell you what works or worked for me but there may be other ways to do it. 

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i had exact same issue as you ordered new controller it arrives monday. Now i played around and guess what happened? I got it to work, you have to set it to be your last controller make sure no sd card in slot and no output cabling. So now i will have another controller so i guess more light going out lol try that see if it works for you. I also used hardware utility to test lights after i hooked it up last. And did refresh. Let me know if it worked. 


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thank you for the information. 

Now the issue is, out of my last LOR (number 4) controller I have the cable run to the RGB star controller that is located at the top of the 20ft RGB tree. This RGB controller is number 5 in the chain. 

After reading your post again possibly I could come out of the RGB star controller (5) and then use the mp3g3 controller as number (6) having 16 more channels to add to the 86 working now. I will research this. Thanks again. 


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