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more than 1000 channels?


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From the LOR FAQ:
Up to 240 LOR devices can be networked together. Currently the maximum number of channels/circuits per controller is 16. 240 controllers times 16 channels/controller allows you to control 3,840 independent channels.

(exclusive of DMX)

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medman2000 wrote:

Can LOR support more than 1000 channels? And any DMX channels up to 512 are additional and not counted towards any LOR max right?


Yes it can and there are comercial displays that are over this. But you do have to watch your network runs and will have latency issues. S2 is suposted to fix it.

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Jeff Millard wrote:

Aren't these numbers based on a single LOR network? S2 has given you the option to have multiple networks... so I believe these numbers are no longer the limitations. I ran two networks this year, just because I could. I had the original serial to RS485 on 8 controllers, and the USB to RS485 on the other 5 controllers ( just the beta tester in me playing around)


That is correct. With S2 you have 4 networks and each can have 240 controllers so you can have up to 15,360 channels. We have never tested this many channels. The most I know of in the real world is 1,300 channels with S2 and about 900 channels with LOR I. With S2 I think a real world display would be limited to about 4000 channels.
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Duke wrote:

Dan, if you send me 960 controllers I will be happy to test the theoretical maximum number of channels and post the results here!!! :):);):shock:

Imagine the sequencing :shock::shock::shock::shock::D;)
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Tom_K wrote:

Duke wrote:
Dan, if you send me 960 controllers I will be happy to test the theoretical maximum number of channels and post the results here!!! :):);):shock:

Imagine the sequencing :shock::shock::shock::shock::D;)

Imagine plugging them in ! I think it would be something like 72 200 amp services if you loaded them all up! They could handle 8.6 million mini lights or about 40 million LEDs.
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LightORamaDan wrote:

Tom_K wrote:
Duke wrote:
Dan, if you send me 960 controllers I will be happy to test the theoretical maximum number of channels and post the results here!!! :):);):shock:

Imagine the sequencing :shock::shock::shock::shock::D;)

Imagine plugging them in ! I think it would be something like 72 200 amp services if you loaded them all up! They could handle 8.6 million mini lights or about 40 million LEDs.

Dosen't the osbourne lights display in disney have like 5 million lights? I wonder how many amps that display uses:shock:
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evana wrote:

just a thought. might want to start checking e-bay when controlers are sent out. thats pretty much the only reason why someone would buy 43 controlers. but thats only my thought.

Or swing by my house and see what I do with my 63 controllers. Either way. I won't take offense to your comment, but this kind of post can easily be viewed as inflammatory. If you think I'm so saavy I would post a message about using more than 1000 channels (as I contemplate adding my 10th mega tree), just to distract Dan so I could sell controllers on ebay... you're giving me way too much credit ;)

And as Mary/Dan already know, my wife doesn't check what's in the boxes that arrive, she just enjoys the show. But please don't tell her I actually adding this many controllers!
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medman2000 wrote:

evana wrote:
just a thought. might want to start checking e-bay when controlers are sent out. thats pretty much the only reason why someone would buy 43 controlers. but thats only my thought.

Or swing by my house and see what I do with my 63 controllers. Either way. I won't take offense to your comment, but this kind of post can easily be viewed as inflammatory. If you think I'm so saavy I would post a message about using more than 1000 channels (as I contemplate adding my 10th mega tree), just to distract Dan so I could sell controllers on ebay... you're giving me way too much credit ;)

And as Mary/Dan already know, my wife doesn't check what's in the boxes that arrive, she just enjoys the show. But please don't tell her I actually adding this many controllers!

When I saw the post about 43 controllers and ebay I thought it was simply a comment that was sparked by another thread and was placed here because of us now talking about about 4000 channels....

My guess is that the ebay comment was not directed at anyone here but just got plopped in AND if an anonymous person came in and purchased a very large number of controllers that the ebay idea would not be too far fetched.

I write this off as a complete miss understanding and I am very happy that we get along so well.

Now honestly, I had not made the connection between the 43 controllers and this thread. One reason is that I am bad at names and I do not know the mapping of most of the user names and people's actual names.

Now that I know what the heck is going on here :D ( I must be getting old) I wish you lots of luck. Are you planning on using multiple networks?
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Hey all - I do apologize, I was trying to get my "support" for my major upgrade with out tying the other threads together that I was the guy who bought the 43 controllers.

With that said, thrilled to go from the 320 channels to over 1000. Last year I went from 64 to 320, and was just giddy as a school girl (no offense to the school girls reading) at the cool effects I could create.

This year I'm planning on a single network still all in my yard, with the addition of wireless to control the tree in our living room (32 channels). Plus, if it works, for the 2 blocks leading to my house we have 5 street lights spread out along the way - I'm hoping wireless will let me connect them all with 16 channels of lights going up and down the post all synchronized (and building the anticipation) for when people turn the corner and see my home.

Or.... my wife will find out about my purchase and then take all my controllers in the divorce settlement. Then I'll probably have to buy them back when she tries to sell them on ebay. How ironic that will be. Hrm.

Maybe I'll bring home some flowers.


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medman2000 wrote:

Hey all - I do apologize, I was trying to get my "support" for my major upgrade with out tying the other threads together that I was the guy who bought the 43 controllers.

With that said, thrilled to go from the 320 channels to over 1000. Last year I went from 64 to 320, and was just giddy as a school girl (no offense to the school girls reading) at the cool effects I could create.

This year I'm planning on a single network still all in my yard, with the addition of wireless to control the tree in our living room (32 channels). Plus, if it works, for the 2 blocks leading to my house we have 5 street lights spread out along the way - I'm hoping wireless will let me connect them all with 16 channels of lights going up and down the post all synchronized (and building the anticipation) for when people turn the corner and see my home.

Or.... my wife will find out about my purchase and then take all my controllers in the divorce settlement. Then I'll probably have to buy them back when she tries to sell them on ebay. How ironic that will be. Hrm.

Maybe I'll bring home some flowers.


Best recomendation is call UPS and have them HOLD the shipment for you to pickup so she wont see a UPS truck unload in the front yard.

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Jeff Millard wrote:

LightORamaDan wrote:
Tom_K wrote:
Duke wrote:
Dan, if you send me 960 controllers I will be happy to test the theoretical maximum number of channels and post the results here!!! :):D;):shock:

Imagine the sequencing :shock::shock::shock::shock:;);)

Imagine plugging them in ! I think it would be something like 72 200 amp services if you loaded them all up! They could handle 8.6 million mini lights or about 40 million LEDs.

Let's not forget that I work for PSE&G. Send the controllers to Duke, and he can come here... we'll see to it he has what he needs to power them up. Now if we can just get a couple billion minis for load.....


I'll contact Paul at CDI and see if he can use some promotion by donating the lights. ;)

Sequencing should be a snap with S2 and Tracks now. :)

Dan ship the controllers to Dan's house. I don't have a semi. :shock:

Jeff, I need directions to your place. :cool:

We'll make Disneyland look like a "Starter Set"!!! :P

And YES............. We WILL be seen from space!!!!! :D

Edit: Jeff! Do you have enough property for all these lights???

We're going to need acerage to spell out "Light-O-Rama" and "Creative Displays" so it will be legible from the moon with the naked eye! Buwahahahahaaaa!
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Duke wrote:

We're going to need acerage to spell out "Light-O-Rama" and "Creative Displays" so it will be legible from the moon with the naked eye! Buwahahahahaaaa!

You folks are nuts!:P:);):)
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evana wrote:

Dan and everyone, I didn't mean to negitive about one or any person buying that many controlers. simply looking from outside in.

Totally a non-issue
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