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Programming Video Projection

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So this year we're stepping up our LOR game so to speak. Last year we had a plug and play projection through our dining room window (projector, dvd player and a pre-made purchased DVD of Santa in the window). I've heard of a few programs including AVS4You and Cyberlink Director. We wanted to create a variety of videos to change with the different songs we've sequenced. What programs do you guys use? How is the set up (using a computer or a burned DVD)? If you do use a computer how to you keep it on the loop?


Thanks a bunch!


I use final cut pro for video editing, to get a idea of what can be done here is a video of my 2015 show. As for playback I ran Raspberry pi mini computers sending commands to them over E131. At least thats the basic way to say it.... :D If you are interested in this method let me know...

For you though to keep it simple LOR can playback video files, to do this just make a video in any movie editor program you want and put the song you want to use, as the video's audio.

Then instead of selecting a audio file for a sequence select the video file you made. Note that the video file has to be WMV or AVI formats I think... I don't personally use LOR software anymore but that is what I remember.

Hope this helps!


Oh good thanks for letting me know! 

On 9/14/2016 at 7:26 PM, canadianchristmas said:

As for playback I ran Raspberry pi mini computers sending commands to them over E131. At least thats the basic way to say it.... :D If you are interested in this method let me know...

Not to hijack the thread, but I'm very interested to know how you accomplished this as I'm working on something similar myself. Would you mind sharing how you have it all set up? Thanks!


I use video in my display as well. I program my show with a audio file in LOR, and then swap it out at the very end with an MPEG4. Last year I finally bought a new computer to replace my 2003 show PC, so I was able to increase the quality of the video file. You may need to play with your video file bandwidth if your computer's not fast enough to deal with playing the video, and driving the lights all at the same time. I have a rear projection wreath that I project the image onto. The projector is located behind the wreath, shooting the image through a garage window. My show is always one continuous 10-13 min. presentation, so it's one video file that loops plays back as the show runs all night long. I edit my display soundtrack in Final Cut Pro, and then add my video track to the audio. Let me know if you have any questions.

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