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Manually advance/non-musical sequence?


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Is there a way to have a non-musical sequence in s4? The tutorials are great and very helpful, but I really want to create a show with 3 or 4 different sequences that are not timed or can be manually advanced. For instance, let's say I wanted to create a effect for 1 minute knowing that I may only want it to play 30-45 seconds. But because I don't know the exact time, I would like to manually advance to the next effect. 

I hope that makes sense. Thanks for you help!

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Sure.  Create the sequence as an animation sequence instead of a musical sequence.  Assuming you are doing this in Sequence Editor, when you select the item to create a new sequence,it will ask if it should be a musical or animation sequence.  Select animation,and go from there.

The manually advance part is tougher without a little trickery.


Edited by k6ccc
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On my phone so short answer. More details later. Short answer is interactive sequence groups.

Sent from my Droid Turbo via Tapatalk, so blame any typos or spelling errors on Android

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