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How do I configure RGB light strands in Sequence Editor?


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Last year, I set up my two RGB matrices in Pixel Editor, each matrix with four Universes (1-4 and 5-8).  My matrices are identical, with 600 pixels.  Each Universe has 150 pixels.  Now, I'm trying to incorporate a matrix design into LOR, using a matrix designed by someone else in XLights.  I have been told that I need to incorporate this via Sequence Editor, not Pixel Editor.  But, while it was easy for me to configure RGB channels for my RGB floodlights in Sequence Editor, I am confused with this matrix design.  The designer configured the matrix design for 4 strands, each with 150 channels.  I guess I'll have to INDIVIDUALLY assign each of these Channels.  So, for the first 150 Channels, they all become Universe 5, for example.  Am I correct, and is there an easier way to do this?

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I tried to import a PDF to help you understand this, but even though the PDF is only 187 KB (and this Forum has a max of 420 KB for a file), it won't allow me to import that file.

Edited by grillhappy
misspelled word
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I don't know about importing from xlighs to PE or SE but, to build the channels in SE, right click you bottom channel>insert device, below. It will give you the option for how many RGB channels and their addresses. So you would select a name, select 150 pixels/RGB channels, keep them in a group, universe 1, channel one. It will then populate the channels for you. Do that for each universe.

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You state that the sequence was built in Xlights so is it still in the Xlight format xseq? or has it already been converted to LOR SE format?

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Before I received it, the sequence was already converted and sent to me as an .LMS file.  How do I now correctly configure this?  I've already inserted RGB Channels into the Sequence Editor, but when I click on each individual Channel and select DMX, it only gives me the option to state the Universe.  That is fine, but how can LOR know how I have configured my Matrix when it only knows the Universe number?  There has to be something I'm missing.  I'm ready to go to each Channel individually and give it a Universe number (for example, Universe 5 for the first 150 pixels-450 channels), but before I do that for all 1800 channels (actually, 3600 channels because I have two matrixes), I want to know if this is the way to do it. 

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When you added the channels it should have asked you if it was an LOR Device etc etc. You can now go into the channel configurator and tell the channels that they are a DMX universe.

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grill happy,

Seems I (we) are missing something.

what I would do, is,,,,,

create a new sequence and add the channels of your existing matrix using the steps I described above. Then copy paste the effects of the "matrix by someone else" and paste them into your new configuration.

Is this do-able?

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