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Weather Proofing flood lights


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I have an opportunity to pick up some nice RGB DMX floods from a DJ.

They look similar to this:  http://www.ebay.com/itm/10pcs-86-RGB-LED-Stage-Light-Par-DMX-512-Lighting-Laser-Projector-Party-Club-DJ-/400765328272?hash=item5d4f799b90:g:Kn0AAOSwRLZUCkJl

I would also be getting a bunch of DMX cables thrown in.

The thing is, they aren't really for outdoor use when things get wet.  Given the price, I was considering picking them up but want to know what I could do to "weather proof" them for my show this year?

Any ideas?  Or is it not worth the effort?

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Thanks ZMan!

This is exactly what I was looking for. It will cost me a little time, but I have months to prep and kids to help.

The materials all seem pretty inexpensive and will mean I can get ten times as many lights with my budget. 

I plan on running the floods using a Falcon F16V2-R.  It has a lot of room for growth so next year I can add RGB strings. 

Thanks again!




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