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Thanks in April


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A woman rang my door bell last night at five pm. She introduced herself and said she wanted to talk to me about my Christmas lights. 

She explained she moved here from Canada and her her grandchildren only get to come see her once every few years. It had been 5 years since their last visit. While visiting last Christmas they came everyday and watched my lights and the kids were spellbound. 

She went on to say how the display is special to them and when the grandkids call they always ask about house with the lights and they reminisce about watching the lights and how they want to do it again next year. 

She left thanking me, once again, for making their Christmas with their children and grandchildren so memorable and special. 

I don't care you are, that's a cool story! She could have passed on by and never told me. And who knows exactly how many people our displays touch and we don't even know.  

I just wanted to share that.  That is not the only story I have. Not trying to make a point but if there was a point it would be- everyone keep up the good work, who knows how many traditions you may be starting. 

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Thanks for sharing with the rest of us. This also lets us believe that there are even more people that will never tell us how much our fun has a special impact on their lives!

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