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Movement on A Pixel Matrix

John (oldandslow)

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I have a 16 sting pixel matrix and I am hand putting images on It pixel by pixel .

My question is ,how do you get movement on it like I see in people's video.

Fly off one way or another, go up or down etc.


Thanks for you help

John (oldandslow)

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If you add images as pictures, then there is a box to select which was the image moves.

You could add the movement frame by frame, but that takes ages.

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2 hours ago, EmmienLightFan said:

If you add images as pictures, then there is a box to select which was the image moves.

You could add the movement frame by frame, but that takes ages.

Thank you, I will try that. I was just adding on my model itself and not doing the picture because the basic pictures looks like crap.

Thank you for the help.

John (oldandslow)

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John in xlights when you add a picture you can specify where you want the start & end position of your pic to be. Also if you open the effect assist window you can touch up any photo there. It's something like microsoft paint. It shows you what the photo will look like on whatever model your using.

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As in Xlights (evidently), after you create an image on screen in Super Star, you tell that image where to appear to begin with (x,y start) and where to end (x,y end).

if you want it to start "off the matrix" to the left and move to "off the matrix" on the right you will have to start at negative numbers (as top left is 0,0) and move to number higher than the number of strings of lights in your matrix. You didn't mention if your matrix strings run vertically or horizontally...so I will give you an example from my own.

I have 24 CCRs (50-pixels each) which run on a vertical frame...making a 24 wide X 50 tall matrix. To start a 24 X 50 image off the left and scroll it completely across the matrix I have to start it at -24 and end it at 25.

You can obviously control both the vertical movement, too --- so to go from bottom to top, in my case, I have to start at 50 and end at -50 if I want the complete image (covering the whole matrix) to start completely off the matrix and move until completely off the matrix.


Hope this helps! Fell free to message me if you want to ask anything more!


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Thanks for the tips. I tried it and got the pictures to move but they don't look good. I also looked at your videos, Jamills706 and noticed that you use mostly effects which look good. So I think that's the way I'm going to go also.

I can run the matrix both ways and got the same results with the pictures both ways.

Thanks to you both for the input.

John (oldandslow)

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