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Are these wireframes controllable using LOR?


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I'm considering buying a couple of these wireframes that come with an animated controller. http://www.christmasdonebright.com/lighted-displays/Elves/ROCKIN-ELF-LED 

Have any of you bought these before? Can I just throw away the controller and use LOR channels or are the LED's on the frames hardwired to the controller? Yes, I know I could just message the website but I'd rather ask the source I trust most, this forum.

Thank you.


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I had a few wireframes from Christmas done brite  I used my lor 16 channel controllers to control them.you can buy them without there channel controller.

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I'd think buying them without their controller would be a little less costly. 

I don't see why they couldn't work without their controller and use an LOR controller, unless their controller isn't operating at 120VAC at it's output, then you'd need a different controller, like one of the LOR DC controllers.  Because if their controller is set for x amount of lights and uses DC as opposed to AC, then it wouldn't work.    Only the Christmas site that sells the item would be able to tell you that, unless someone here has bought that exact item, and knows what voltages the controller outputs to the lights on the item to make the animation effect.

Personally, I'd call the number on the website and ask them directly, they should know whether the item would work with a LOR AC controller like a CTB16PC or not.


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Guessing that you'd be able to get 3 LOR channels pretty easily...2 arms and the rest of the frame light. Could probably break up the reas tof the non-animated lights into separate circuit for additional channels.


The controller used, can't be worth too much, you could ask how much they'd knock off w/o the controller.

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