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Will the REAL Timing Grid stand up?


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So a sequence can have multiple timing grids. Timing grids are there as an aid to the user and are not actual used when the sequence is played back. Timing grids are used to draw the vertical lines in the sequence editor. The timing data used to playback the sequence is stored with the channels along with the sequencing information. So you could blow away all of your timing grids and your sequence will still play just fine.

When I sequence a song I often have several timing grids one for beat wizard, another for note onset, another for polyphonic, etc. etc.

After I'm done I want a timing grid that actually reflects what the sequence is doing...no more, no less.

I've written a PERL script that will take the timing information from the channel data and add a new timing grid named "ACTUAL" that represents the timings actually used in the sequencing itself.

LORRealTimingGrid.pl by John Storms
LORRealTimingGrid.pl <InputSequenceFile.lms> <OutputSequenceFile.lms>
Inserts a timing grid named "ACTUAL" using the timings used in the actual sequence. These timings are derived from the channels table of the LMS/LAS file.

Below is an example where I took my sandstorm sequence with 12 timing grids (crazy I know) and added a new timing grid with the actual timing data from the sequence information and then writes it to a new file "new.lms".

C:\LOR_AW\Sequences>LORRealTimingGrid.pl STORMS2016_Sandstorm.lms new.lms
Gathering channel timing information from STORMS2016_Sandstorm.lms.
New timing grid "ACTUAL" with 922 timings added to new.lms based on Channel timing information with saveID 13.

Link to script: LORRealTimingGrid.pl

Video on how to install PERL on windows PC.


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