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Looking for sequences

Mark Porter

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Hello all!

I am looking for 80 channel (or modify-able) sequences for my 2016 display.

I'd like to get "Party Rock Anthem" and "Let it Go".  My granddaughters are VERY
upset I don't have "Elsa's song" or a 'dance' song. 

Please help a brow beaten grandfather out!

Thank you!

Mark Porter


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Just google " lightorama sequences" there's lots out there. Here's a link for let it go...


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I capitulated and bought the modifiable sequences from the LOR store as I had to upgrade my license to 'advanced'.

Good grief!  I created a real mess for myself!

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hey Mark..

to see what you have download their set up so you can see what channels they have set for what, such as what channels they have on archs etc.

Unless your display is set up exactly like theirs is it will not match anything at all that you are doing on your display.

Same with the ones i sent to you.

I sent you my .lee files so you can open them and see how mine are set up easier. also READ the title in the controller and channel so you can see what it is set for instead of going by guess work. 

COPY paste the sections you like and or want to use. I reccoment going over all the tutorials and also going onto you tube and watching how to videos.. There are hundreds of them and they will be a great help.. Main thing is dont give up and take your time.. YOU WILL GET THE HANG OF IT and then say to yourself.... Dammmmmm  why didnt I catch that before ... when it clicks in your head.\

you can also open the tools/ channel configuration in the seq editor and print the file out so you can easily see what controllers and channels are assigned to what lights etc.

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Hey Old Sarge,

If you wouldn't mind sharing again I would love to have a look as I am still trying to figure a lot of this out myself too :)


Thank you!!

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