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Audacity to LOR Timing Grid v2


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This script takes multiple Audacity label files, converts them to LOR timing grids, then adds them to an exsiting sequence. The old version of this script left you cutting and pasting the XML chunks into your sequence. This is a little easier, plus you can do multiples at one time.

Get Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B95M-4jUDX5aYXRVR0hFYm82NlE

audacity2LORv2.pl <inputfile.lms> <outputfile.lms> <labelfile> [<labelfile> <labelfile> ...]

Example output:

C:\LOR_AW\Sequences>audacity2LORv2.pl STORMS2016_LetItGo.lms new.lms POLY.txt ONSET.txt
Profiling Sequence File:[STORMS2016_LetItGo.lms]
Processing label file:[POLY.txt]
Processing label file:[ONSET.txt]
Adding 2 new timing grid(s) to:[new.lms]

Installing PERL on Windows PC



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  • 4 weeks later...

You have to run it from a MSDOS window. If you start 'cmd' from the run line it will give you a DOS window.

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  • 4 months later...

I have been able to get the onset timing on a seq. but I am at a complete loss as to how to get the polyphonic to work. I have a very hard time trying to keep up with the video as the sound is really bad and you go so fast on it. 

For the Note onset I use the old way I guess of doing it in notepad, copy to XML, use the formula to convert and change then paste it etc.

 Is there a way to do the Poly using approximately the same way or do I have to try to figure out how to use the cmd prompt.. I am at a complete loss when it comes to that. I did download your script but have ni idea how to use it or where to even start. I have tried off and on of a few months to figure it out. I also am at a loss as to how you name it on the note pad to add the other things into the note pad stuff on the seq other then the very first part note onset.. 

basically I do these steps and at a complete loss as to the rest on how to get the actual music notes to show.. 

1. I know and use Audacity to analyze and save the labels etc.

2. I know how to copy from the note pad onto XML and change by =ROUNDUP(A1*100,0) etc. etc... etc...

I know how to copy into the script on notepad and delete the '' etc... I know how to get it onto the seq on the <timingGrid saveID="0" type="freeform">


I Do Have Perl Installed.. but dont know how to use it... 


Where I am really lost is trying to get the actuel polyphonic music notes to show up and work.. 


I hope you understand what I mean and can maybe make a short step by step on what I need to do.. and send it to me.. I am not really up to speed when it comes to using cmd prompt and your video goes so fast I cannot keep up with it.. and even pausing it I am lost..

Thank You


I am willing to pay for step by step explanation or especially written instructions if you want me to.


Thanks... and I have learned a lot from your videos I m just completely lost with this..


Thank You   retired_old_sarge@yahoo.com

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11 hours ago, Old Sarge said:

I have been able to get the onset timing on a seq. but I am at a complete loss as to how to get the polyphonic to work. I have a very hard time trying to keep up with the video as the sound is really bad and you go so fast on it. 

For the Note onset I use the old way I guess of doing it in notepad, copy to XML, use the formula to convert and change then paste it etc.

 Is there a way to do the Poly using approximately the same way or do I have to try to figure out how to use the cmd prompt.. I am at a complete loss when it comes to that. I did download your script but have ni idea how to use it or where to even start. I have tried off and on of a few months to figure it out. I also am at a loss as to how you name it on the note pad to add the other things into the note pad stuff on the seq other then the very first part note onset.. 

basically I do these steps and at a complete loss as to the rest on how to get the actual music notes to show.. 

1. I know and use Audacity to analyze and save the labels etc.

2. I know how to copy from the note pad onto XML and change by =ROUNDUP(A1*100,0) etc. etc... etc...

I know how to copy into the script on notepad and delete the '' etc... I know how to get it onto the seq on the <timingGrid saveID="0" type="freeform">


I Do Have Perl Installed.. but dont know how to use it... 


Where I am really lost is trying to get the actuel polyphonic music notes to show up and work.. 


I hope you understand what I mean and can maybe make a short step by step on what I need to do.. and send it to me.. I am not really up to speed when it comes to using cmd prompt and your video goes so fast I cannot keep up with it.. and even pausing it I am lost..

Thank You


I am willing to pay for step by step explanation or especially written instructions if you want me to.


Thanks... and I have learned a lot from your videos I m just completely lost with this..


Thank You   retired_old_sarge@yahoo.com

Sarge you got mail

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